i did a cycle of fina around last december and am going to start another in a few weeks, but last time was my first cycle and i kinda did it half assed which was dumb as hell. so i need a few questions answered…
i was thinking 1 cc everyother day is that suitable?? and i used nolvadex last time starting a few days after my cycle ended but should i use hcg also and is 12 weeks an adequate cycle
Don’t run tren as a stand alone, severe shutdown will follow is there is no test.
Tren gyno can be handled by B-6 and caberline, not nolv. Never run a SERM during a cycle unless you have a flare up. Also, figure out how to come off before you do your first injection.
Inject daily for Tren Ace to keep levels as stable as possible.
Also, since Tren Ace is a 19-Nor derivative, it will not convert to Estrogen, so there is no need for an anti-estrogen. You should, however, have something that can deal with your Prolactin and Progesterone levels.
As for the heavy shutdown from Tren, follow the advice from above and run it with Test with the Test being at an equal or higher dose than the Tren.
[quote]c_guns77 wrote:
i did a cycle of fina around last december and am going to start another in a few weeks, but last time was my first cycle and i kinda did it half assed which was dumb as hell. so i need a few questions answered…
i was thinking 1 cc everyother day is that suitable?? and i used nolvadex last time starting a few days after my cycle ended but should i use hcg also and is 12 weeks an adequate cycle[/quote]
I am currently in the final week of an 8 weeker. I did a Tren only cycle and you will quit pitching a tent in the mornings at about the 3rd, or 4th week. I didn’t really care personaly, but if you have someone in your life who is dependent on you to get their Sun rise in their morning, you better get some Test.
If you do 1cc, do it each day. You wont have the serious up and downs “Emo’s”. But you will still have sleeping problems.
And if you done your research and have read where ome people go as high as 1.5 cc ED. If you do this, and you start finding blood in your urine, and when you urineate it is hot as coffee, and thick as Molasses, back it down to 50 for a week, then come back to 75.
Heres another, if your nipples start to itch, buy some B-6 and do about 400mg twice a day. That worked for me.
Ok, other then that, I loved it. and after this week I will take off for 6 to 8 wks, and then will do it again. I have never had such strength gains in an 8 week period.
OR if you do find a problem with “tren caused gyno” symptoms, many find that an AI will work as well as B6 or Caber, as it is tackling the problem from another angle.
The AI will reduce the small amount of estrogen in your body (which is there naturally via aromatase and is being accentuated by the progesterone) to a level where the progestin cannot cause issue.
Fair point on the anonymous 1cc. Admittedly 99% of the Tren Ace out there is either 75mg/ml or 100mg/ml but clarity would be beneficial.
I’m in totally agreement with the need for Ace as an ED not an EOD.
I am quite new to this and am doing my research to learn. I know someone who claims to be using Finaject. But, from what I’ve seen that has actually been out of circulation for about 9 years. So, I am guessing he is actually using something like Finaplix… anyways… My questions:
I noticed 2thepain mentioned the use of ‘test’. What excatly are they refering to?
Do I understand correctly then that the Tren will help tell the body to increase mass, but the test is what it needs to do the building?
Also, he has been experiencing bad acne. Is this just something that you would just deal with until the cycle is over or should/could you reduce the amount taken?
Any info is appreciated. Just trying to educate myself.
[quote]UsurperDave wrote:
I am quite new to this and am doing my research to learn. I know someone who claims to be using Finaject.
But, from what I’ve seen that has actually been out of circulation for about 9 years. So, I am guessing he is actually using something like Finaplix… anyways… My questions:
I noticed 2thepain mentioned the use of ‘test’. What excatly are they refering to?
Do I understand correctly then that the Tren will help tell the body to increase mass, but the test is what it needs to do the building?
Also, he has been experiencing bad acne. Is this just something that you would just deal with until the cycle is over or should/could you reduce the amount taken?
Any info is appreciated. Just trying to educate myself. :)[/quote]
Tren can leave you limp thus the need for the test. It will make things much smoother.
Tren is a great drug imo, but alone and by itself your asking for problems.
Test/Tren is a great stack.
Check the search feature for test propionate and trenbolone acetate as those would be the two drugs to use in this case.
I’d also recommend looking into arimidex and cabergoline.
Finaplix is cattle implant pellets that contain trenbolone acetate…it can be brewed into an injectable if one were knowledgeable enough and ballsy enough. It is still illegal like any other steroid tho.
A tren standalone? If you give a fuck about your boner, you’ll run some test with it. That combination is one made in heaven. Next to steak and the potato.