Finally Hit 600 Deadlift @185

did a strongman comp with a weeks notice after competing in Dallas last weekend. It had a last man standing deadlift. I wore straps and a LOOSE metal deadlifter. My previous pr was 565.

It was the second event after tire flips

Attempts went 405,455,500,550,600 I cracked 625 off the ground to right below my knees I would have had to hitch the hell out of it and didn’t want to get hurt with Americas Strongest Man in 9 weeks plus I already had the event win

Awesome stuff. That’s a huge strength-to-weight ratio there.

We meet again Kalle Bear

Nice lift

That was awesome!

Sick pull dude. Looking powerful.

Never A Doubt

Thanks everyone! Going to pull a max 18" deadlift Saturday

straps? wtf. doesnt count. gtfo. warblegarble.

[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:
straps? wtf. doesnt count. gtfo. warblegarble.[/quote]

damns you right! What am i thinking using whats allowed in my competition :wink:

Nice pull! I hope to get there some day :slight_smile:

Been chasing it for 3 years and always failed when trying to bring my deadlift from mid 5’s to 600. Funny this whole year I’ve just been training real high rep in the 400-455 range and did this comp on a whim

Attempted 620 like 10 minutes later I think I had it but wanted to play it safe.

Wow. That was a fast lift. What is your strap-less (or dare I even ask, raw) PR?

[quote]black_angus1 wrote:
Wow. That was a fast lift. What is your strap-less (or dare I even ask, raw) PR?[/quote]

Haven’t tested it, I’ve pulled 545 like that. If I end up doing a powerlifting meet in January or so like I want to we will see. my goal would be 550/320/600ish in the 181s