So I been trying to get my diet in check for a while, been trying to always eat good foods and plenty of them, but never really paid attention to how they added up or if I even ate what I needed to.
Long story short, can anybody help me with a way to figure out how many calories of fat, protein and carbs I would need if I said I wanted to eat a total of something like 4200 cals a day
LBM * 1.5 = Grams of Protein/Day
LBM * 1 = Grams of Carbs/Day
LBM * 0.5 = Grams of Fat/DAY
^This^ will give you a good starting point. Adjust your macros based on your goal. [/quote]
I want to bulk at a decent rate (disregarding the fat gains) so how do I adjust them? I just guess a number and add it to the calculated macros?[/quote]
You start out eating the macros I put down. If after a month or so you are still at the same body weight adjust your carbs by 0.25 so the next “step” would look like this:
LBM * 1.5 = Grams of Protein/Day
LBM * 1.25 = Grams of Carbs/Day
LBM * 0.5 = Grams of Fat/Day
That sounds like a great template for maintenance, or even for cutting… if he’s bulking, that’s a great reference/starting point for a baseline, but I would predict he’s going to need something like 1.5 for protein, 2-3 for carbs, and 1 for fats. This is exactly what worked for me, with minimal fat gains. But of course, everyone is different…