Please Tell the FDA and Congress Not to Ban Access to Affordable Hormones
(US only).
Please help us prevent the upcoming ban on affordable compounded hormones.
We have two separate campaigns.: One to prevent the FDA ban all compounded hormones, and the other to have them reverse the ban on compounded hCG, FSH and HMG. Once one is completed, you will be redirected to the next automatically.
The FDA is aiming at including estradiol, estrone, estradiol cypionate, estriol, pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone, testosterone cypionate, and testosterone propionate and all pellet cBHT therapies be considered candidates for the FDA “Difficult to Compound List.”
If the FDA decides to include these hormones in the “Difficult to Compound List” all compounded hormone injections, gels, creams, nasal, oral, and pellet formulations will be banned, blocking access to millions of men and women in the United States. TAKE ACTION TO PREVENT THIS!
Please click and send an automated letter to the FDA and Congress:
I’ve seen this circulated all over. I signed it, for whatever good that will do. It’s a shame the FDA is coming down on compounders so hard. I don’t care about the “biologics” since I don’t use them, but GHrH peptides and low-dose AI come from a compounder and I like them.
I’m really curious to see if they end up extending this to testosterone formulations. I didn’t think they would take it that far
This is not the FDA directly. Its coming from people in Congress who want to put an end to transgenderism, and put more money into Big Pharma’s pockets. It will only create a UGL explosion
I’m not worried about an apocalypse, though I am worried about economic collapse and subsequent shortages of medicine
I have enough T to last me quite a while (prescription)
If I need, black market testosterone is easy to acquire; as is a prescription with my medical history. If I absolutely had to stockpile, I’d probably stockpile testosterone undecanoate (black market sells 10ml vials) due to long duration of action/infrequent shots required.
Remember, oil does go rancid. Stored properly testosterone should last quite a while though (past exp date). Methyltestosterone (hepatotoxic/not great for lipids) in pill form would last longer though and it is FDA approved to treat hypogonadism. The T itself won’t expire, though a degree of chenical degredation can occur over time (T loses a bit of potency). But oil can go bad…
I remember when prohormones were all the rage a body of data was indicative methylepitiostanol was degrading into desoxymethyltestosterone.
PCT would be a last resort, as PCT to restore a testosterone output of say 150-250ng/dl… is that worth it? I don’t think so
Wonder if clomid is safe for long term use? Potential ocular side effects, mutatogenic nature of the drug when used long term in women would indicate perhaps it isn’t.
For fun/hobby purposes? There are many different types you can put a bit of money into. It’s actually quite fun
Clomiphene won’t help for those with primary hypogonadism. For secondary hypogonadism literature is indicative it is effective with regards to raising serum testosterone, however it isn’t great when we look to symptomatic resolution.
It fufills the basic requirements, increased BMD, muscle mass, restoration of glucose metabolism if impacted by hypogonadism… but many men (according to literature) don’t notice the increased libido, sense of wellbeing etc TRT imparts.
I attribute this to zuclomiphene/ER binding within various regions of the brain, but then again I’m no expert.
3mL costs 35$ in Aus. Needs to be on a private script, that’s the only way you can get injectable test E. Subsidised script and it was around 20-25$.
3ml lasts me 7.5 weeks, androgel on a PBS subsidised script costs 3x that much for the same duration of treatment.
If it weren’t for travel requirements I’d just take UGL testosterone. You can send a sample out to weed out the possibility of toxic heavy metal contamination and you can ascertain the true potency mg/ml that way too. UGL T in Europe is like 30$/10ml, in Aus it’s 60-100$/10ml. I’d be saving money and I don’t have to jump through nearly as many hoops to get it. I also find most brands of UGL T tend to be far smoother than the extremely thick, viscous test E aus sells. It comes with a pre packed 19 gauge syringe in Australia… that’s how thick the oil is…
I actually had trouble getting my testosterone filled before going away… more trouble than I had filling scripts for Ritalin… isn’t that hilarious
Where did you two get this from? One can get to normal values with a small amount of clomid or high dose HCG (up to 10,000 IU per week, which currently is very expensive).