Favorite Deadlift Template?

Doing Combination Template. I’m starting to put together what I think my best pairings are for each lift. 5x5 SSL for Bench, BBS for OHP, PR Set and Widowmaker for Squat.
Still looking for what is best supplemental for Deadlift.

I’ve been doing 5x5 SSL but that can become taxing on the lower back on the 3s and 531 week.
Contemplating between a 5x5 SSL Trap Bar Deadlift, a 3x5 SSL Deadlift, 5x5 FSL and any other suggestions.
What’s been your best template for deadlift strength gains. Thoughts would be appreciated

I like your choices for the BP, OHP, and squat. For the DL, I like to do doubles. I got this from Dan John’s minimalist template, where you work up in big jumps in sets of 2. Here’s his description:

"Two reps in the deadlift. Add Weight
Two reps in the deadlift. Add Weight
Two reps in the deadlift. Add Weight
Two reps in the deadlift. Add Weight
Two reps in the deadlift.

If you just keep tossing on 45s, that workout taps out at 495 for two which is solid work for anybody, anywhere."

To work this in with 531 progressions, you can use a high TM (since your volume is lower) and work up to the top end weight of the day (depending on the week). Conversely, you can just work up to a double at your TM. I personally respond better to this type of rep scheme on the DL. Also, if you do this scheme with your DL, you can add in a bit more assistance or supplemental work for that day. For example, KB swings, Farmer’s walks, or heavy barbell shrugs.

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I actually found that BBS worked very well. But this was in the context of the BBS Challenge.

FSL, bar speed is king for the deadlift.

[Feel free to delete this! I’m not a coach. And it’s not 5/3/1. ]

It’s not a template, and it’s not endorsed by anyone else, but I have found the following an effective, simple way to add more deadlift volume with low opportunity cost — just swap in light trap bar deadlifts (the raised handles) or light rack pulls for part of your “general” warmup. The bar start position will be high enough that with light weight there’s not any serious flexion in your (at least my) joints, so there seems minimal risk of problems. However, it’s a real movement, so (1) I am definitely warmed up at the end and (2) the extra sets seem useful in terms of laying a foundation.

I do it on every lower body day — a few 15 rep sets, strict, not pushing of 135, a few 10 rep sets, strict, not pushing of 225, both super-setted with hanging leg raises, possibly bodyweight bench squats. I usually alternate low-trap, high-trap, rack, cambered squat bar deadlifts for variety each workout.

I’m definitely ready to go at the end. And as a nice side-effect, my grip strength has increased, even though the weights are low.

As a mental benefit, I find “tiny” warmup stuff really boring, so warmup always feels long no matter what I’m doing. Light trap deads warm me up just as well, but feel useful, so the time goes by quickly. You get a lot more deadlift volume in, without much additional time or headspace.

It’s made a real difference, in a short time. Perhaps you can view it as a very lightweight version of BBB for lazy people.

Anyway, I’m not in a position to coach anyone, so use your best judgement.

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