[quote]fatsalad wrote:
Thanks alot. I was hoping you would stop in. Ive been watching you this whole time. everyday I check your log to see what new.
I always tell my wife whats going on with you and the other day at the gym i over heard a guy telling someone else about you and what you acomplished in your first 28 days.
What do you think your body fat is at right now. I thought you said around 15%. You look leaner than that to me.
Thanks again for stoping in and for inspiring me to give this a go.
Talk to you later
I’m trying to be realistic about my BF percentage and since I can see the top row and a half, I figure it should be around 14 to 15 percent. I still have a long way to go but not too long, thankfully.
You have a lot of muscle hidden underneath there FS, can’t wait to see what you look like at single digit BF! Keep at your goal hard with no let up.
You are going to be mighty impressive once you hit it cause you have a ton of potential! Take care FS and make it happen, this is your time now!
I forgot to tell you guys about my solid meal last night. it was sooo good.
3.5 oz chicken breast
3 oz grilled flounder
1 cup broccoli
side salad
1 cup of rice.
Today I did fasted cardio again. I only have 6 days left after today and cant believe how fast it is going. I took today off the office. i’m working from home. its a nice luxury to have.
Sorry no post yesturday my computer cord crapped the bed. had to buy a new one, at least they are cheap… (yeah right).
Last night was a lifting night. Weight is going up in every excercise except bench. I have never been a strong bencher since I wasnt allowed to do it in collegecause I was a pitcher and My coach was afraid I would get too big. Ahhh the misconceptions. Plus I have a torn rotator cuff injury I have had from playing baseball.
My weight is 245.5 so I have lost a total of 17.5 lbs in 23 days. Im happy with the results so far but i have a long way to go.
Cardio tonight. Actually cant wait to get there and do it. Im charging my ipod as we speak.
Today was just cardio. my usual 60 min walk on the treadmill. Diet was on point. I cant believe I only have a few days left and then I start my transition stage.
I have to admit it will be be nice to have a solid meal everyday. I am really craving grilled chicken salads like crazy.
My wife invited my in-laws for dinner tonight and i had to put the stop on that real quick. I said couldnt we do it on Sunday when i have my solid meal??? it would only make sense. She agreed.
Today was a lifting day and to be honest I did not want to go. Of course I went and had one of the best workouts ever. went up in everylift and completed an extra set on each exercise than I usually do.
It took a little longer but I was able to complete it and still do my 30 min walk afterward. I am starting to get that small feeling eventhough I am still 245 lbs. I just cant imagine myself at 200 lbs. its either going to be amazing or really disapointing. I guess well find out.
Today was cardio. went first thing after i woke up and did it fasted. diet was perfect again.
Tommorow is day 28. I cant believe it is over. I will updats stats and hopefully have some new pics. I have to work at the bar tonight so i wont get home until about 4 am.
Did cardio fsted today. we are having my in-laws over for dinner so I get my solid meal at home tonight. I will start the transition phase tommorow as outlined. I hope to lose a few more pounds during that time and then re evaluate the situation.
I might go with the V-Diet lite until I reach my goal. well see.
I will have measurements and photos tommorow. It went well that is all I will say for now.
Good Job. I hope you feel accomplished and in control. I stayed on the diet 5 weeks and it really did me right. Hope it does the same for you. Your body adapts, keep swithching your exercises and don’t stay on this too long. I’m sure CS has posted some info on lenght of time to stay on / the diet. How many inches gone?
My Best,
[quote]wdtorque wrote:
Good Job. I hope you feel accomplished and in control. I stayed on the diet 5 weeks and it really did me right. Hope it does the same for you. Your body adapts, keep swithching your exercises and don’t stay on this too long. I’m sure CS has posted some info on lenght of time to stay on / the diet. How many inches gone?
My Best,[/quote]
Thanks for stopping by. I do feel in control now I am almost in some kind of zone where nothing can stop me until I get where I want to be. It is the same thing when my wife is dieting for her figure competitions. There is no getting her off track
As far as staying on it longer, I am not. I am going to add in solid meals each week until I am up to 3 solid meals and two shakes a day. I will follow this until I get stuck then we will re adjust.
As far as results I will post those tonight with pics. I will say that my weight this morning was 243. so I lost a total of 20 lbs. Not too shaby.
Age: 28
Weight: 263
Height: 5’8
Chest: 49
Waist: 50
Neck: 16.75
L Arm: 17.75 Flexed
R Arm: 17.25 Flexed
L Leg: 28.5
R Leg: 28
Age: 28
Weight: 243
Height: 5’8
Chest: 47.5
Waist: 47
Neck: 16
L Arm: 17.75 Flexed
R Arm: 17.25 Flexed
L Leg: 28.25
R Leg: 27.75
I guess looking back at the photos and the stats I did change quite a bit. I didn’t lose any size on my arms which is a good indication to me that I either gained some muscle or didnt lose any. Either way that is a good thing.
I’m taking today off. Ive been to the gym for 30 days in a row and just feel I need a day off. If I haven’t lifted I did an hour of cardio. Today I had to shovel about a foot of snow from my driveway and the front walkway to my house. That is just as good as cardio if you have never done it.
I am down to 242 so I have lost another pound since the start of the transition. Not to shaby.
For my solid meal each day I have been having 6 oz of sirloin steak and a cup of broccoli.
Sorry for not posting yesterday. I did my 60 mins of cardio aka walking on a treadmill on an incline.
Transition diet is going well still no cravings yet. My weight is stuck at 242 butim not concerned cause I feel a little leaner.
After the two week transition I am going to change up my lifting schedule and go to two heavy days and to hypertrophy days a week. I will continue the cardio and diet.
[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
keep on truckin… you’ll get there eventually man[/quote]
Thanks man. were working on it.
Yesterday was cardio an I had to work at the bar. I just woke up cause I got home at 5am. I am going to run to the gym right now before they close at 4.