Fat When Bulking?

I’m currently on a bulking diet, and I’m a little unclear on P+C, P+F meals. Does the fact that I’m trying to add weight mean that I should be having more P+C meals and less P+F meals? Should I even be having P+F meals?

For example, I’ve always thought eating a ton of food before bed was ideal for gaining muscle mass. Isn’t this the time that a P+F meal is recommended? I have no problem taking a few servings of Low-CarbGrow! and 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil before bed. Is this suitable for a bulking diet?

Also, what are some general recommendations for a bulking diet in regards to P-F-C percentages? I really want to know how much fat to take in per day on a bulking diet, and how much to take in a P+F meal.

Thanks in advance.

Man this is a great time for you to ask. Read JB’s article the F-word. Yes you should have fats even when bulking.

How much is hard to say. It is a game of finding what is best for you. I have found I do a bit better on a little higher fat diet all the time. I generally have a good dose of healthy fats in 4 meals and my higher GI carbs in 2 meals. I being post w/o the other pre.

For the other more toward the middle I have adjusted and am not beign nearly as anal. For instance I will have some moderate GI (veggies tomatoes, carrots etc.) and fruits, ( apple, berries) along with good fats. avacado, olives flax, fish,) I then finish the day off with Higher fat and low-no carbs usually Low-Carb Grow! with Flax Meal or nuts.

Like JB states go for 25-30% of your total intake, Or a good measure is between .4 and .6 grams per lb. So a 200 lb person would have between 80 and 129grms of fat.

It is more about optimal performance and health year round. Part of that is fats. Yes during cuts it may be more optimal to cut carbs a bit and raise fats. Though the main thing will be food choices and total intake. Eat more = gain weight, eat less= lose weight.

Oh and how much per meal. just try and divide it up kinda evenly. If you are having say 3 p+f meals try and get some of the total at each meal, its more about the total at the end of the day or week than a single meal.

Good luck and hope that helps,

It does, thanks Phill!

Hey just gald to help

No prob.