Fat Asses Log for Fat Asses

Day 0

Just past midnight on the first of august. Here we go!

Diet starts tomorrow and my first workout.

wish me luck

Day 1

Beginning Stats

24-27% Body Fat
Can’t bench 150

Meal 1 - 6 egg whites, 2 pieces of toast, half glass of milk.

Meal 2 - 2 Cokes, 1 small chopped beef sandwich

Meal 3 - 1 Coke, Chicken breast, two cups of steamed broccoli

Meal 4 - Protein Shake

Wasn’t able to make the workout. Truck broke down…again.

Didn’t really eat like I wanted to. Yea 3 cokes = terrible I know. Hard to ween myself off of them. It’s the hardest craving I have. Guess it’s going to take some will power.

Very happy with my diet. Kinda surprised I wasn’t craving fast food like I usually do.

maybe u should try the coke flavoured drinks that you can make at homewith water and artificial sweetners?

Shortest log ever.

Why did you bring this up?

[quote]Trenchant wrote:
Shortest log ever.

Why did you bring this up?[/quote]
