Fascia Stretching

I was wondering what you guys think about it.

If Chad reads that I would appreciate his input too.


Fascia stretching is a fine supplement for a change of pace to induce a somewhat different type of stress. But don’t get too caught up in all the hype surrounding fascia stretching - it does very little for hypertrophy in humans.

[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
Fascia stretching is a fine supplement for a change of pace to induce a somewhat different type of stress. But don’t get too caught up in all the hype surrounding fascia stretching - it does very little for hypertrophy in humans. [/quote]

I agree… It is a nice change of pace and I dont’ think it does much hypertrophy wise. If your going to use it make sure you ease into it or you can really get hurt.

Ummm…sorry to sound like a twit…but what the hell is fascia stretching?


Thanks Chad and elnino57 for your input.

I’m gonna give it a try see how it works for some time.

Fascia surrounds your muscles. By maximally pumping your muscles it strecthes on the fascia that surronds the muscle. The philosophy is bascially if the fascia exapands the muscle has more room to grow. Just type in a search for John Parillo and you ll find info about it.