Fall Cycle?

planning a bulker for the fall

Weeks 1-10 Test C 600mg E/W
Weeks 1-5 Tren E 400mg E/W
Weeks 10-13 Winny Depot 100mg eod

Clomid Nolva Pct

Thoughts? Input?

On all of my previous bulking cycles I have used only nolvadex at 10mg e/d throughout. Really wanting to try an AI to keep water retention to a minimum. Curious as to what you vets would utilize on such a cycle.

input or shit-talk is more than welcome


Deez did you get any problems before with estrogen because 600mg of Cyp is not exactly the # where I’d be mandating an AI. Shoot I might not even recommend the Nolva to someone else and I certainly would not use it myself.

The tren will likely contribute virtually zero to any estrogen problems you might encounter so the 600Cyp is your only concern; and again I would not be concerned with 600Cyp a week.

One thought on Tren Enanthate and a five week duration: its too short. If you’re only gonna run 5 weeks you’ve gotta hit the Ace. Enanthate will need 8 weeks to come to full fruition.

I like the 600/400 or 3/2 ratio of Test to Tren though. Some guys will go equal but I always say use more Test and 3/2 is just about perfect IMO

I am one of the unfortunate ones that needs to use an AI/SERM even at doses like 600mg of test. At those doses I would include it as standard.

And which AI do you favor? and at what dose? Interested in keeping water retention to an absolute minimum. I realize that holding some water can be beneficial, but I fucking hate the puff


Letro to keep the bloat away.

for 400mg of test cyp, do you really need PCT? wont 6 oxo or some over the counter estrigen reducer work? If not, Im on the hunt for some nolva.

[quote]Dezz wrote:
And which AI do you favor? and at what dose? Interested in keeping water retention to an absolute minimum. I realize that holding some water can be beneficial, but I fucking hate the puff


Dezz my boy…How are things in Texas?

Letro is my fav.


[quote]duhast234 wrote:
for 400mg of test cyp, do you really need PCT? wont 6 oxo or some over the counter estrigen reducer work? If not, Im on the hunt for some nolva.[/quote]

Not to be a dick but you asked this like 2 days ago on another thread. I said it then and I’ll say it now. Herbal stuff is crap. Besides, nolva is probably cheaper then 6OXO plus some TRIBEX. Don’t try to half ass it. It’s not worth it to save the $35 for a bottle of nolva.
Check with chemone for your PCT needs.

Recommending an OTC PCT is not smart. Always err on the side of caution. 6OXO isn’t going to touch gyno. Besides, as mentioned…nola is extremely cheap.

Seriously du hast, what kind of BS is that?