Good news:
THE doctor who sparked the scare over the safety of the MMR vaccine for children changed and misreported results in his research, creating the appearance of a possible link with autism, a Sunday Times investigation has found.
Was that an MD, if so his license should be stripped ASAP. The guy literally has a body count on his head at this point for negligence, both in the states and over in the UK.
I, as always, will still wait until I see what Jenny McCarthy has to say. She is where I get all of my medical advice.
[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
Was that an MD, if so his license should be stripped ASAP. The guy literally has a body count on his head at this point for negligence, both in the states and over in the UK.
I, as always, will still wait until I see what Jenny McCarthy has to say. She is where I get all of my medical advice.[/quote]
Well, his crap was published in the Lancet, which also published that notoriously bogus tally of Iraq war deaths (that researcher also refuses to share his data now). The Lancet is obviously in decline.
[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
Was that an MD, if so his license should be stripped ASAP. The guy literally has a body count on his head at this point for negligence, both in the states and over in the UK.
I, as always, will still wait until I see what Jenny McCarthy has to say. She is where I get all of my medical advice.[/quote]
haha…sadly, that’s the first person I thought of when I read the article. “I wonder what Jenny McCarthy is going to say about this?”
[quote]AngryVader wrote:
Lonnie123 wrote:
Was that an MD, if so his license should be stripped ASAP. The guy literally has a body count on his head at this point for negligence, both in the states and over in the UK.
I, as always, will still wait until I see what Jenny McCarthy has to say. She is where I get all of my medical advice.
haha…sadly, that’s the first person I thought of when I read the article. “I wonder what Jenny McCarthy is going to say about this?”[/quote]
I think it will be a small lesson in sociology to see where she goes from here. No doubt she will get word of this, and from there where will she go?
First it was Too Much Too Soon! Then it was Green Our Vaccines! And now, with the “link” thoroughly disproven, all the hype about “formaldehyde” and “mercury” and “toxins” being shown as utterly vacuous, she will find out that the very idea of the “link” was based on a fraud to begin with.
If she really is interested in the truth and helping these kids, she will have to come clean and admit she may have been misguided. She will have to look deep, deep down and realize that maybe, just maybe, her “Mommy Instinct” was off. Maybe she will spend some of her time and money actually looking into the real science behind the issue instead of opening up centers for “Indigo Children” and jet setting around the world holding conferences. Disgusting.
Or… More likely she will just continue about her ways, making people paranoid about the topic (there was a thread on this topic created on this web form not 24 hours ago) and causing outbreaks of Measles like we have seen lately in certain pockets in the country and the UK.
She literally has a body count attached to her now, this isnt just some crazy chick rambling. She is causing serious harm to children and their parents. My sister almost didnt get her daughter vaccinated a while back because of all the BS hype surrounding it.
However, in the interest of fairness, here is the Doctor rebutting the claims of the article posted:
Dont ever say I wasnt at least fair in posting both sides of the story.
[quote]PRCalDude wrote:
Lonnie123 wrote:
Was that an MD, if so his license should be stripped ASAP. The guy literally has a body count on his head at this point for negligence, both in the states and over in the UK.
I, as always, will still wait until I see what Jenny McCarthy has to say. She is where I get all of my medical advice.
Well, his crap was published in the Lancet, which also published that notoriously bogus tally of Iraq war deaths (that researcher also refuses to share his data now). The Lancet is obviously in decline. [/quote]
Although I do not regularly read Lancet, it is highly doubtful that the same editor accepted these two articles that you cite as evidence that the Lancet is in decline. They were published years apart, and the editorial boards at major journals turn over pretty frequently.
I would argue that the scientific method is working just fine (and the Lancet publishes the outcomes of studies that use the scientific method).
That the author of the Iraqi study will not share data is a sign that something is amiss.
Let me tell you, there’s something going on with those vaccines. I personally know a bunch of women with kids. IN 2 cases the following happened.
Woman 1, takes her one son in for his vaccines. Perfectly healthy, already talking, walking and just a happy kid. Within hours of the injections he would not stop screaming like being skinned alive. It lasted for a day or two. He laid down, eyes rolled back in his head. When he came to, he could no longer speak and just sat there staring off into space. Very sad but very true.
Her second son, much younger went for the vaccines later on and had the same episode but more mild. Today they are both Autistic and have regressed in their speech and overall progress.
Woman 2, same thing. After the injections the kid would not stop with the blood curdling screaming. Screamed for 8 hours. She said she felt her world end. Prayed all night and he woke up sunny and normal, thank God.
I know a few more that got Autism triggered after the course of vaccines.
Point is, we don’t know whats causing it. But something in those vaccines “can” trigger it in your child if they’re predisposed. But you’ll never know if they are or aren’t.
I also have doctors that come to our business and interestingly they don’t vaccinate their children but readily recommend the standard medical course for everyone Else’s kinds. Im not saying there’s a conspiracy, but doctors are in the know and they see thousands of kids. They see first hand what can happen and err on the side of caution for their own kids. Wouldn’t you? I sure as hell am not going to have my son shot up full of that shit if im not 200% sure it’s harmless.
Were talking about a medical society that swore asbestos was safe, prestigious doctors and professors testifying under oath that nicotine and cigarettes are safe. High Fructose Corn Syrup dosen’t make you fat, i could go on and on and on. Follow the money.
There is NO credible scientific evidence that MMR vaccines cause autism.
It just does not exist- except in the mids of people searching for answers as to why their children are “suddenly changing.”
A child’s developmental timeline coincides with the autism diagnosis. Much like many children find out that they need glasses when they hit school.
According to experts there was no evidence of nicotine addiction.
Look, i hear what you’re saying. But kids reacting violently hours after an injection tells you that “something” is up. We have a near epidemic and it mostly affects boys. Watch what would happen if it was the case for Girls, but at any rate. My eye witness experience will guide my views and decisions.
Like i don’t need a weatherman to tell me which way the wind is blowing.
If you have kids or will have kids take them to get all pumped up.
My sister in law in working on her PHD in this field. She has the same view as you. Wholeheartedly believes there’s “no evidence” but on the flip side would not vaccinate her own kids. lol. Wierd.
Something is happening we don’t yet understand.
Say a pharm company fucked up. And fucked up on this scale. Can you imagine their losses from law suits? Recalls? It could run into hundreds of millions or a billion dollars in losses and ruining peoples lives and stealing their futures. It could spell their doom.
For this reason i always watch for eloquent and elaborate explanations with panels of experts dismissing what you see with your own eyes, when their business is on the line.
You may also be interested to know that said companies passed a law that makes them immune to lawsuits. Basically, it’s not legal for you to sue them.
What does that tell you? Why are they exempting themselves from due process of the law if can scientifically prove their innocence. Case closed right? So why did they lobby to be immune to lawsuits? Common. Thin about their fishy science.
Interesting. Now I’m even more confused as to whether I’m vaccinating my daughter or not.
Can someone please tell me why they can’t split up the MMR vaccine? Why do they have to give all three at once?
[quote]Gregus wrote:
According to experts there was no evidence of nicotine addiction.
Look, i hear what you’re saying. But kids reacting violently hours after an injection tells you that “something” is up. We have a near epidemic and it mostly affects boys. Watch what would happen if it was the case for Girls, but at any rate. My eye witness experience will guide my views and decisions.
Like i don’t need a weatherman to tell me which way the wind is blowing.
If you have kids or will have kids take them to get all pumped up.
My sister in law in working on her PHD in this field. She has the same view as you. Wholeheartedly believes there’s “no evidence” but on the flip side would not vaccinate her own kids. lol. Wierd.
Something is happening we don’t yet understand. [/quote]
I agree that it is a strange thing, but there are so many questions and people are looking for a single thing to blame for the autism rates. I suspect that the explanation will be more comlpex than - you got vaccinated - you get autism.
I have 2 kids and they were both vaccinated- we were more concerned about the threats from the MMR than autism.
[quote]Gregus wrote:
Say a pharm company fucked up. And fucked up on this scale. Can you imagine their losses from law suits? Recalls? It could run into hundreds of millions or a billion dollars in losses and ruining peoples lives and stealing their futures. It could spell their doom.
For this reason i always watch for eloquent and elaborate explanations with panels of experts dismissing what you see with your own eyes, when their business is on the line.
You may also be interested to know that said companies passed a law that makes them immune to lawsuits. Basically, it’s not legal for you to sue them.
What does that tell you? Why are they exempting themselves from due process of the law if can scientifically prove their innocence. Case closed right? So why did they lobby to be immune to lawsuits? Common. Thin about their fishy science. [/quote]
I do not think it is possible for them to PROVE their innocence. Although I do not agree that they should be immune from lawsuits, they would spend BILLIONS responding to the lawsuits (even if they were without merit).
[quote]Mikeyali wrote:
Interesting. Now I’m even more confused as to whether I’m vaccinating my daughter or not.
Wait and vaccinate them at an older age. And when you do, do it incrementally. You don’t want to shock such a young fragile system.
I feel big pharm would never admit it. The onset of symptoms is so rapid post vaccine injection that it’s really hard to convince a parent it’s just “coincidence”.
They’re saying that your child was just about to come down with Autism anyway and the vaccine just made it seem like it caused it. But trust us, he was about to get it.
Im not trying to be sensationalistic or anything but thats how it goes today.
Anytime a drug is given and the person dies or turns to a vegetable i strongly suspect there is a problem. I can believe it was a coincidence but if it happens alot, then i see it as more then coincidence.
Legally, the problem may not be with the vaccine though. The problem could be with thimerosal, the preservative which is about 50% mercury. Very toxic and poisonous to a fragile system. So the vaccine may be OK but it’s just semantics.
[quote]Mikeyali wrote:
Interesting. Now I’m even more confused as to whether I’m vaccinating my daughter or not.
I hope you don’t. I don’t see the logic of injecting something that may be harmful into a perfectly healthy body for the purpose of warding off some rare disease or some disease that isn’t all that bad anyway. Neither of my children have ever had a shot.
[quote]on edge wrote:
Mikeyali wrote:
Interesting. Now I’m even more confused as to whether I’m vaccinating my daughter or not.
I hope you don’t. I don’t see the logic of injecting something that may be harmful into a perfectly healthy body for the purpose of warding off some rare disease or some disease that isn’t all that bad anyway. Neither of my children have ever had a shot.[/quote]
The diseases are only rare because of the damn vaccines.
[quote]PRCalDude wrote:
on edge wrote:
Mikeyali wrote:
Interesting. Now I’m even more confused as to whether I’m vaccinating my daughter or not.
I hope you don’t. I don’t see the logic of injecting something that may be harmful into a perfectly healthy body for the purpose of warding off some rare disease or some disease that isn’t all that bad anyway. Neither of my children have ever had a shot.
The diseases are only rare because of the damn vaccines. [/quote]
As a new parent, I’m struggling with this issue. On the one hand, the scientific side of me says “there hasn’t been any hard evidence to support the link between autism and vaccines.” And the panicky, new parent side of me says, “well, even if there was evidence to support the link, would they tell us anyways?”
When I really sit down and think about it, I think it’s absolutely crazy to not vaccinate. What I don’t like about vaccinations is how many they give at such an early age. Why can’t they spread it out and separate each vaccine?