Hello this has been on my mind for a while now about the concept of facing the centerline…I have been taught by numerous trainers since day one to always be “bladed” giving them the lead shoulder,and NOT be square. But there’s a huge thread on another forum about the complete opposite and having your foot and body face the centerline.
It wont let me get the full link but I just tried my self and if anyone wants a full understanding of what im talking about go to google and type in – Facing the center line sherdog forums — it should be the first link.
Not only learning and being around boxing have I not seen this in advanced guys but nor in any world champs today atleast I dont think I see any of the fighting with their lead foot and body facing their opponents center.
My question is why? Im bringing this up now also because Ive seen another quick post of someone saying the same thing, the insert Ill type here from another website is:
–The final important aspect of stance is the positioning of the lead foot. To best defend against punches, the lead foot, and likewise the lead hand, should point at the centerline of the opponent’s body. This ensures that you are always properly facing him–in position to hit him without being hit yourself. Next time you watch a boxing match, or any other high level striking exhibition, take note of the “most boring” moments. Watch the fighters’ feet as they constantly make tiny adjustments, jockeying for dominant position on one another. This is the invisible battle of positioning that makes a fighter truly dangerous to any opponent.–
After seeing that for the 2nd time I had to post this to a website like here to see what everyone thinks of this, and is right/wrong, should I change my stance Ive been with for years because of this new hype?
Is it REALLY qorth it? I like to stand bladed and give them that lead shoulder, I find my presence hard to hit by not giving them openings, but if this is worth adding than I will.
Better if anyone could support their anwser with video-examples.