I’m a beginner, so feel free to criticize my workout
(P.S weight units = lbs, schema = weight/rep/set)
I’m a beginner, so feel free to criticize my workout
(P.S weight units = lbs, schema = weight/rep/set)
Didn’t feel like I got enough sleep, but that’s no excuse to skip a workout…
Incline BP - 95x10, 115x8, 125x5x3, 135x3x2
Reverse grip flat Bench - 95x5, 115x4x3, 125x3x2
Chest Press Machine (drop sets) - (150xfailure + 110xfailure + 70xfailure) x2
DB oblique side raises - 55x8x2 each side, 60x8x2 each side
Quick and intense leg abs bicep workout.
ATG squat - 95x10, 115x10, 135x8, 155x6, 175x5, 185x4, 190x3, 195x3, 200x2
leg curl - 110x8, 140x6, 160x6, 190x5-160x5-130x5 (last set was drop set)
Super set:
Cable crunch - 140x15, 145x15, 150x12, 150x12
Hanging leg raises - failure x 5
Standing alternating DB curl (strict, no swing) - 25x5, 30x5, 35x7x2 (reps/arm)
Had my dragon boat fitness test 2 days ago, so took a rest day yesterday to be fully pumped for today.
Incline BP - 95x10, 115x8, 125x6, 130x5x3, 140x3
Hang clean and shoulder press - 65x5, 85x5, 105x5, 110x4x2, 115x3
Chest press machine (drop set) - 160xfailure + 120xfailure + 80xfailure
Pec fly machine - 110x4, 120x4, 140x4, 160x3
medium width pull up - BWxfailure x6
T bar row - 75x8, 100x7, 125x5, 125x4x3
1 arm DB row - 60x8, 70x5x2, 75x4x2
wide grip pull up - BWxfailure x1
trap bar shrugs - 45x10, 90x8, 135x6, 145x4 (this is lbs/side and does not include weight of bar as I do not know how much it weighs)
reverse cable fly - 30xfailurex4
cable crunches 155x8x4
Standing DB oblique raise - 60x8x5 (per side)
seated calf raise - 90x8, 135x6x2, 145x5
Leg chest shoulder
ATG squat - 95x10, 115x10, 135x10, 155x5, 175x5, 195x5, 205x3, 210x3x2, 135x20
leg curl - 110x6, 130x6, 150x6, 170x4.5, 180x3.5x3
leg extension -50x10
incline BB BP - 115x9, 125x6, 135x4x2
Hang clean and shoulder press - 85x5, 105x5, 115x3, 120x3
Unwinding shoulder press 12.5x8, 15x6, 17.5x5
For the squats I decided to do less warmup reps and I was able to hit a heavier weight which felt really great. As well, the last set of 20 just killed me…
For my chest, it was still sore from my previous workout, so I only did a brief chest exercise to get the blood flowing there a little (not sure if that is a wise idea, any thoughts?)
medium width pull up - BWx11, BWx8, BWx7x3
bent over BB row - 95x5, 105x6, 115x5x2
1 arm incline DB row - 65x6x2, 70x5, 75x5x3, 80x3x2
V-grip pull down - 130x11, 140x9, 150x4x2
reverse cable fly - 30x13, 30x11, 30x8
Like the squats I did yesterday, I decided to do less reps with lower weights on DB row so I was able to hit a higher weight. Next week, I’ll keep the same weight and just up the rep and/or set.
(does it look like my workouts are too high in volume? that I should lower the volume and perhaps increase the weights?)
P.S: while my goal before was aesthetics (which kept me from ever getting stronger) it is now largely focused on strength
Incline BB BP - 95x6, 115x6, 135x5, 140x5, 145x5x2, 155x4 (last 3 sets done with a spotter)
Reverse grip flat Bench - 95x6, 115x6, 135x4, 140x3, 140x5 (last set done with a spotter)
Chest press machine (drop set) - (170x6, 130x5, 90x5), (170x5, 130x3, 90x5)
Seated DB shoulder press - 45x5x2
Pec fly machine - 160x3x2
Again, I opted for less reps during my warmup and was able to hit a higher weight. A few more weeks of this until I plateau, then I will begin to hit higher reps (~6-10) with the same working set weights.
medium width pull up - BWx13, BW and 10 lbx6x2, BW and 10 lbx5x4
T bar row - 75x8, 100x7, 125x5, 135x4x2, 137.5x4
Lat row (machine) - 90x6, 110x6, 120x6, 130x6
Hammer stregth pull over - 90x8, 140x7x2
Reverse peck fly - 60xfailurex2, 65xfailure
Hanging leg raises - failurex5
Seated calf raise - 90x7, 135x5, 145x5, 155x5x2
[quote]basily wrote:
medium width pull up - BWx11, BWx8, BWx7x3
bent over BB row - 95x5, 105x6, 115x5x2
1 arm incline DB row - 65x6x2, 70x5, 75x5x3, 80x3x2
V-grip pull down - 130x11, 140x9, 150x4x2
reverse cable fly - 30x13, 30x11, 30x8
Like the squats I did yesterday, I decided to do less reps with lower weights on DB row so I was able to hit a higher weight. Next week, I’ll keep the same weight and just up the rep and/or set.
(does it look like my workouts are too high in volume? that I should lower the volume and perhaps increase the weights?)
P.S: while my goal before was aesthetics (which kept me from ever getting stronger) it is now largely focused on strength
What’s up.
For routine criticimss/suggestions it may help if you lay the whole plan out clearly in a post. IE what do you each day of the week and what your rep/set and progression plan is =)
PS You can gain aesthetic appeal while gaining mad strength!! Depending on what you’re into of course…
My overall workout plan is to hit chest and back twice a week and legs once a week. So far, my workouts have been like this:
monday = chest (main focus) + shoulder + tricep,
tuesday=back (focus) + rear delt,
thursday=legs (if sore, then tommorow) then chest +shoulder(focus) + triceps,
friday=legs (if not sore) back + rear delt + bicep (focus)
saturday= dragon boat practice ( lots of cardio & BW exercises)
Also, I do ~ 5 k walks with the occasional sprints.
For rep/set scheme, I’m currently going for lower reps (4-7) for working sets for approx. 3/5 sets depending on the part being worked.
My schedule is tentative, because if i feel my muscle is still sore I would take another day of rest/work on something that is not. My leg days, for example, has switched from a friday on one week to a thursday the next.
ATG squat - 95x8, 115x8, 135x8, 155x5, 175x5, 195x5, 210x3, 215x3, 220x3, 225x3, 135x25
SLDL - 135x6, 225x5, 275x3x2, 295x3
Incline BB BP - 95x8, 115x7, 135x4, 145x3.5, 135x6, 135x7
DB lateral raise (no swing) - 12x12, 15x12x2
cable crunches - 140x18, 150x13, 160x10, 160x8
FUCK YA! finally able to squat ATG with 225! Workout felt great and happy to see progress in numbers. As for the final set of squat, should I raise the weight to 155 and attempt to do 15-20 reps, or keep it at 135 and try to hit 30 reps? (not sure if this last set high rep scheme is effective or overtraining, but it hasn’t had any negative effect on me yet so its a keeper)
Ever since Prof. X’s smackdown on my diet/nutrition/scared to lose my abs mentality, I’ve been eating A LOT more and I’m happy with my progress thus far.
Medium grip chin up - BWx10, BWx8, BWx8, BWx7, BWx11
BB bicep curl - 65x3, 70x3, 75x3, 80x3
BB preacher curl - 25x8, 27.5x7 (per arm)
High stress, low sleep and had to rush through this workout as the gym I go to was closing. Overall not happy with today’s workout.
5 hours of sleep cause brother kept me away with his dam coughing…
Incline BB BP - 95x7, 115x6, 135x6, 145x5, 150x5, 155x4, 160x3x2
Incline DB press - 55x6x2
Standing MP - 45x10, 55x8, 60x7, 65x6
DB lateral raise - 12x10, 15x8
Peck deck - 140x4, 160x3x2
Wide grip pull up - BWx11, BWx9, BWx6.5, BW 10x5, BW 10x4, BW 15x3.5
Incline DB row - 65x7, 70x7, 75x6, 80x5x2
straight bar cable row to chest - 80x12, 100x8, 110x6, 120x4, 130x3 (20 seconds rest in between sets)
Cable crunches 110x20, 120x13, 140x8x2 (1 second hold at bottom)
Hanging leg raise - failurex4
Because of exams and assignments, the past few workouts have been rather short with short breaks as well… shity.
ATG squat -95x8, 115x8, 135x8, 155x5, 175x5, 195x5, 215x3, 225x3, 230x3, 235x3x2, 140x25
SLDL - 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 295x4, 315x1 (sweaty hands…), 315x3
Incline BB BP - 95x6, 115x5, 135x5, 145x3, 125x14 (last set with spotter)
Ground base Hammer Strength (lbs and reps/side) - 35x8, 45x8, 55x6, 60x4
DB lateral raise 15x12, 17.5x8x2, 17.5x5
Seated Calf Raise - 90x9, 135x6, 160x6, 160x5
Not sure if my weekly squat improvements are above/below average noob gains, but I am definitely happy with my progress thus far. I think next week I will shoot for 240 MR and 145x20.
V-grip pull down - 70x12, 100x10, 120x10, 140x9, 150x7, 160x5x2, 170x5
V-grip cable row - 120x8, 130x7, 140x5x2
Reverse peck fly - 55x12, 70x1177.5x8
Cable Crunches - 100x10, 110x15, 120x15, 130x15, 140x8 ← @ diff. gym, not sure if cbl machine works the same
Haney shugs (smith) - 70x12, 100x10x3
Seated incline DB curl - 35x4, 40x6, 40x5
Gym was closed yesterday (good Friday), so I went today since I have no dragon boat practice as well.
Incline BB BP - 95x8, 115x8, 135x5, 155x2, 155x5, 165x3x3
Decline BB BP - 115x5, 135x4, 140x3, 145x3, 115x9
BB Clean - 95x3, 115x4, 135x4, 140x3, 145x3
Seated DB shoulder press - 45x8x2, 50x5x2
Hanging leg raises - BWx11x3
Standing DB oblique raise - 65x6x4
Cable Crunches - 140x21
Currently have strep throat and its pissing me off when I breath big. Other then that, I’m fairly with my steady improvements on incline BB BP. Once I begin to stall on those I will either lower the weight and ramp up the reps or switch to flat BB BP.
Wide grip pull up - BWx11, bwx9, bwx7x2, bwx6
V-grip pull down (15 sec rest between sets) - 120x10, 135x6, 150x4, 165x3, 105x8
incline DB row - 65x5x4
hammer strength pull over - 90x10, 140x7x2
was a quick workout, had to get to an exam
So today is suppose to be my leg(main focus)/chest/shoulder/tricep day. However, I have been diagnosed with the pink eye, sore throat, as well as dry cough and am not sure if I should train today. I’m scared mid way through my squat I may cough and then drop the weight. So I may take a day off or, perhaps, opt for a low weight high rep squat scheme as I probably won’t be dropping light weights…
I went to the gym and…
ATG squat - 95x9, 115x9, 135x10x9, 145x10
Trap bar dead lift (excluding weight of bar) - 90x10, 160x10, 210x5, 220x5, 220x6
Incline BB BP - 115x10, 125x6x2, 125x5
Peck deck/Dip (super set) - 140x8/bwx7, 150x8/bwx6.5, 150x6.5/bwx7
Seated calf raises - 90x8, 110x6x3
Felt really weak on the bench press. Not sure if it was because I was drained from the high rep squats or my illness. Hopefully, improvements will be greater next week once I recover.