Extreme muscle building routine...

I learned this at a recent Seminar. Has anyone tried something like this?! I wonder what would happen if androsol was added to the equation!

36 day extreme mass gainning phase.
Average gain is 18 lbs in 36 days.

This is a 9 day cyle which should be repeated 4 times.

Day 0, Stop eating at 6:00 pm.

Day 1, Train Lower Body on an empty stomach
Complete 36 sets of 15-20 reps in 1 hour (use thermogenics).
Use high reps and low rest intervals.
Eat only Protein and Fat as nuts,oils,meats (2% or less as carbs).
Daily carb intake basically 1/2 piece of lettuce! ha ha.

Day 2, Train Upper Body.
Complete 36 sets of 15-20 reps in 1 hour (use thermogenics).
Use high reps and low rest intervals
Eat only Protein and Fat as nuts,oils,meats (2% or less as carbs).

Day 3, Rest.
Eat only Protein and Fat as nuts,oils,meats (2% or less as carbs).
Must feel like TOTAL SHIT or else you did something wrong!

Day 4 Train Legs Mike Mentzer Style (low total sets to absolute failure).
Atleast 70% of total calories must come from carbs (captain crunch,rice,ect…).

Day 5, Train Arms Mike Mentzer Style (low total sets to absolute failure).
Atleast 70% of total calories must come from carbs (captain crunch…).

Day 6, Rest.
Atleast 70% of total calories must come from carbs (captain crunch…).

Day 7, Train Lower Body using strength trainning protocols (sets of 3-5)
Eat your normal diet because you must be mentally sharp.

Day 8, Train Upper Body using strength trainning protocols (sets of 3-5).
Eat your normal diet because you must be mentally sharp

Day 9, Rest.
Stop eating at 6:00 pm.

Day 10 Repeat Starting at Day 1

Was this seminar by any chance a Poliquin seminar? I have a buddy who went to a Poliquin seminar and he learned of a routine that sounds awfully similar. He mentioned something about depleting your body of carbs and doing high volume work, followed by carb loading. Let us know if you try this routine, it sounds interesting.

I learned this at a Poliquin seminar too. He said alot of actors who need to put weight on fast for roles use this. I have never tried this, but one guy in the seminar had and had excellent results with it. Poliquin stressed you almost absolutely need a training partner b/c you have to push each other until you get physically ill. Its hard, but not impossible, to motivate yourself to that extent for 36 straight days.

If it’s poliquin who made the program, i can almost guarante at least 50% of you will do reeally well with this program. In such programs (and most other) poliquin is the number one only!

I am sure that adding andrsol to this routine would give you better results. This routine sounds very interesting what seminar did you learn this at. I would like to try this, so if anyone has anymore info about it I would be interested.

Hey—what’s some more detail on the lifting? Diet sounds pretty hardcore, but I’m wondering what type lifting Coach P meant when you say “strenght training protocol”. Please expand your explanation…i’m intrested in trying this out.

I must admit this sounds completely bonkers to me. The gains sound terrific, but starting an extreme mass building phase with zero carbs and thermogenics seems a little off the rocker, especially coupled with extremely high volume training. If anyone has tried this, please post.

This program sounds cool…let’s hear more details. how many calories on the fat/protein days? Any special workouts indicated? How many sets for the strength training days?

Do you have any more specifics about the program? Such as how high to set calories and macronutrient ratios for the no carb days. I would be interested in trying it.

Yep, it was the latest Poliquin seminar in Buffalo, New York. By Strength trainning protocols, he means higher number of sets with low reps and total time under tension per set should be less than 20 seconds. For example 6 sets of 2-4 reps for squats on a 402 or 302 tempo. The rest period in between sets should also be 4-5 minutes but you could pair agonists and antagonists together. As far as how many calories, he dosen’t like to prescribe calories, Poliquin just says to get 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound. Since it’s mass gainning, I would rather error on the high side than not enough. The goal of the first few days in to totally deplete glycogen stores, then go nuts on carbs starting on the 4th day. I want to try this program but I have to time it rigth with work and all… I bet I would be a zombie!

I saw this too in a Poliquin Seminar. This training was based and from Mike Zumpano and it was called Rebound Training or the Ultimate Diet. Zumpano developed it in the early 80’s and it was talked about very favorable by the late dan Duchaine in his book Body Opus(chapters 34 and 35 pages 259-264). The original diet was a 10 day cycle, Poliquin said at my seminar it was best to do on a 9 or 11 day cycle for a best 36 to 44 days. He also said Champion Nutrition was supposed to come out with a book on this type of training. I have tries any of this, has anyone else, and if so, how were the results.

What other kind of programs did Poliquin talk about at the seminar? I have been considering trying to attend one when my schedule permits. Has anyone attending his altering body composition seminar?

Just looking through my notes from a Poliquin seminar where he detailed this diet. A few things: 1) You will basically go lower body (day one) - upper body (day two) - off (day three) and keep repeating. 2) On day 4, your breakfast will be high fat and no carbs. The rest of the day will be 70% carbs, 10% fat, and 10% protein. 3) On day 6, your diet will be 80% carbs and 20% protein (no fat). 4) On days 7 - 9, Poliquin stressed a “mixed diet” with good fats added. 5) You should use therms before your first four workouts only. 6) You should use glutamine before you last two workouts (of the 9 day cycle) and only these workouts (1 kg of bodyweight = .35 g/glutamine). 7) Increase your magnesium, zinc, and chromium intake on the high carb days. 8) Load creatine on high carb and heavy (load) training days. 9) Poliquin said you will get the best training response with this diet by working out in the morning. 10) Poliquin also stressed this diet MUST be followed perfectly or the results will be drastically reduced. Let me know if anyone has success with it.

I think I will start this program, it sounds great. I read what Dan Duchaine said about it in Bodyopus and he thought it really worked. I guess the rebound routine lead Dan to come up with his Bodyopus program, But that program was suppose to promote fat loss and so was the original Rebound routine. So I was wondering if this program causes fat loss at the same time as massive muscle gains? Does anyone Know? Has anyone tried it?

Poliquin said this diet will make you “Big, lean, and dumb.” Someone asked him what that meant exactly and he said it will lean you out and make you gain muscle at the same time.

Hey Scarface, thanks for the extra info. He didn’t discuss many of those details at the seminar I went to. I thought Poliquin was funny as hell, but man does he have an attitude (rightfully so, I guess). When people would ask dumb questions, he would go off on them. For the gym portion, one of the volunteers sucked ass with the routine he was showing us, so he said “I think the pink dumbells are over there…” Funny shit!

Hey Guys, I like the sounds of this diet very much, seems to make a lot of sense. Could someone reccommend some exercises and and rep ranges. Ex: 36 sets of 20 reps, do you do something like 4 lower body exercises for 9 sets each or what. Could someone outline a more complete plan to follow if it is not to much trouble. I plan on taking androsol/nandrosol/fina for the last 18 days of routine. Thanks in advance for anyone that answers.

This sounds like a good topic for a future T-mag article. Any takers T-mag staff?

I like Poliquin’s humor too. He is very cynical. I think Poliquin knows so much information about training that he could go on forever. During his seminars, he seems to rely on questions from attendees to get more detailed about certain things and to determine which direction the seminar should go. Luckily, there were alot of good questions during the 2 seminars I went to. Grant–no need to design a workout for you. Just pick excercises. I would use compound excercises like squats, deadlifts, dips, pullups, bench press, and rows. Obviously, with so many sets you are going to be doing alot of different excercises per workout, so be creative. Look at the archives too if you need some ideas.

Grant-sorry, just re-read your post. If you are doing 15-20 reps, you don’t want to do more than 3-4 sets per excercise. Do 10 different excercise, 3 sets each, 15-20 reps each. Remember the key is to make yourself sick, so defintely chose excercises that recruit the most muscle fibers. Let us know if you have any more specific questions and tell us how you do. Hope you have a good training partner.