I learned this at a recent Seminar. Has anyone tried something like this?! I wonder what would happen if androsol was added to the equation!
36 day extreme mass gainning phase.
Average gain is 18 lbs in 36 days.
This is a 9 day cyle which should be repeated 4 times.
Day 0, Stop eating at 6:00 pm.
Day 1, Train Lower Body on an empty stomach
Complete 36 sets of 15-20 reps in 1 hour (use thermogenics).
Use high reps and low rest intervals.
Eat only Protein and Fat as nuts,oils,meats (2% or less as carbs).
Daily carb intake basically 1/2 piece of lettuce! ha ha.
Day 2, Train Upper Body.
Complete 36 sets of 15-20 reps in 1 hour (use thermogenics).
Use high reps and low rest intervals
Eat only Protein and Fat as nuts,oils,meats (2% or less as carbs).
Day 3, Rest.
Eat only Protein and Fat as nuts,oils,meats (2% or less as carbs).
Must feel like TOTAL SHIT or else you did something wrong!
Day 4 Train Legs Mike Mentzer Style (low total sets to absolute failure).
Atleast 70% of total calories must come from carbs (captain crunch,rice,ect…).
Day 5, Train Arms Mike Mentzer Style (low total sets to absolute failure).
Atleast 70% of total calories must come from carbs (captain crunch…).
Day 6, Rest.
Atleast 70% of total calories must come from carbs (captain crunch…).
Day 7, Train Lower Body using strength trainning protocols (sets of 3-5)
Eat your normal diet because you must be mentally sharp.
Day 8, Train Upper Body using strength trainning protocols (sets of 3-5).
Eat your normal diet because you must be mentally sharp
Day 9, Rest.
Stop eating at 6:00 pm.
Day 10 Repeat Starting at Day 1