Extreme Arm Training

Hey t-dudes. How have you guys been doing with Poliquin’s Extreme Arm Training workout in paper issue #2 (also mentioned in his book)? If you used this program successfully, what kind of split did you use?

I have used it at thought the bicep work was awsome. Triceps, well I didn’t care for too much. It could have been that way cause I tried them both the same day. Usually I just train for 45 min up to an hour max, this workout takes a lot longer than that. Anyways I used a 14 day split. I worked my bi’s on his program and did some light tri work. 7 days later I did some heavy tri work and light bi work. And continued this way. My bis did hurt for at least 4 days though. I would recomend doing it.

That sounds like a really good idea. Hit the bis with isometronic training the first week, doing low volume for the tris. Then the next week, alternating that doing isometronics for the tris and low volume for the bis. Great suggestion!

Doug, my only problem with the program was wrist pain from the isometric thingies. I used to use it once every 6 weeks or so, but haven’t played with it in a while. Uh, that sounded kinda funny, didn’t it? :slight_smile:

TEK, i’m curious if you’ve tried the bis workout with an EZ bar? I have trouble using straight bars sometimes too. I actually think the position of full supination is pretty unnatural. The hammer and semi-supinated positions are probably the most used hand positions in real life, and consequently result in a better balance between brachialis and biceps brachi development. This may make using the EZ bar more effective with the isometronic workout anyway. Not to say that it’s never appropriate to perform movements using supinated grips…