So the last two weeks I have injected in my delts and I have seen a pretty good response. My energy levels are great and my Libido is crazy high. However, I have also began experiencing some on and off Palpitations. They started last week, i’d say Thursday or so. I thought I was drinking too much coffee so I stopped brining a travel mug of it with me to work. This seemed to do the trick and they went away.
I felt fine this weekend. Took my shot Sunday morning, no problems whatsoever. I admit, sunday night I went to a birthday party and I got piss drunk. I don’t drink much anymore, a beer here or there but I drank quite a lot Sunday night. I felt fine Monday, just hungover. Today my libido is raging but the damn palps are back and are coming and going. I haven’t increased my coffee intake, nor have I increased my dosage. I still take 100mg once per week IM. So could this be the TRT? Maybe my delts just absorb a little too fast and too much? Could it be the caffeine intake plus me getting sloshed drunk sunday? I go back to thigh injections for the next two weeks so we will see how it goes beyond that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.
No nothing, my heart is very healthy. I do regular cardio as well as weight training. My LDL was only 90 and my HDL was 61. Triglycerides of like 50 or so if I remember correctly. So my lipids and my heart function are all optimal.
Yeah it’s just new so I just wanted to check. I feel fine otherwise. I’m not dizzy or anything. The only bad habit I have is vaping, which I am seriously considering dropping. The palps seem to come on after I take a few hits. So I’m starting to think that is mostly responsible
I have had palpitations on TRT and found it most correlated with nicotine. I use pouches and they got pretty bad when I was having 7-8 a day. I’ve cut back to 1-2 a day and they’re pretty much gone. Also happens when I’m hungover.
Now that I figured that out I consider it may be a blessing, as it got me to cut back on the nicotine. I don’t drink a ton but when I do overdo it I know what to expect.
That’s what I’m thinking. I feel better since cutting back on my caffeine intake. Some withdrawal but not too bad. But I feel like quitting vaping would be the best thing as well. Because that’s when it has been mainly happening. I stopped for two hours today and it went away then came back after taking in nicotine.
People are dying left and right vaping man. My client has been picking up law suits as they are injury attorneys. I’d start taking gun or menthols and avoid any form of smoke.
41 million people vape as of 2018
33 people have died according to the CDC
At this rate there could be tens of people dying in the next few years. A total epidemic.
Snakes kill 50,000 people a year. Big snake industry is trying to cover it up and make you focus on vapes (snakes… No its vapes). Don’t be naive… It’s the snakes. It’s always been the snakes
Nah nothing man. I don’t take anything else. I’ve never had an issue with blood flow when it comes to erections just my T was really low. They are rock solid with TRT. It stopped now. We will see how it goes. It also happens when I’m at work only basically
Right. The smear campaign is ridiculous. But I can’t deny nicotine is a stimulant and on top of the amount of coffee I drink plus the TRT it’s probably not the best idea to keep vaping up
Anxiety from over aromatasing into e2, high e2 can cause anxiety in people pre-disposed. Anxiety can cause palps for whatever reason. Also palps can come from stress, also from over caffination. Try splitting your shots in 2, e3.5d instead of once a week. I had palps like crazy until I started more frequent doses. Everybody is different and we process our hormones differently. Some faster, some slower. Dont listen to anyone who says otherwise.
I know when I’m hypothyroid I get heart palpitations regularly. Especially when dehydrated. My wife also gets them when dehydrated and she doesn’t have any thyroid issues. Not sure if that applies to you, but I’m just throwing it out there.
I was thinking the same. When I got labs done at peak it came back at 45pg/dL. FT was 124. But I’m wondering if it is E2 related. I’ve been considering switching to two 50mg doses. We will see how the rest of this week goes. Problem with two lower doses is I have high SHBG. That’s why I have been reluctant
They did thyroid labs they were perfect. I think the drinking I did Sunday night didn’t help. I was dehydrated as hell Monday and even today a bit and normally I’m super hydrated