I would still like to get some feedback from others that may have tried Tribulus. I gave TRIBEX Gold a try, and saw no actual increase in testosterone (T was measured before and after via blood test).
My libido did increase, as well as testicle size, so not sure what went on in my body. Just want to know who has had measurable results with a Tribulus product as far as testosterone.
There is a Bulgarian study stating tribulus is effective (at increasing sperm count and mobility), but there are no actual testosterone measurements taken. I am sure the correlation of the increase to what is necessary points to an increase in T, but I question the study, as it appears to have been conducted alongside the makers of Tribestan, and doesnâ??t appear to have ever been published in a journal.
As for studies that provide evidence that tribulus doesnâ??t work as far as increasing testosterone, there are a few in respected journals…
Short term impact of Tribulus terrestris intake on doping control analysis of endogenous steroids â?? This is supportive, but a short term study, which to me pretty much makes it worthless. I think the study was only 48 hours or something like that.
The aphrodisiac herb Tribulus terrestris does not influence the androgen production in young men â?? Pretty good study from what I can tell
The Effects of Tribulus Terrestris on Body Composition and Exercise Performance in Resistance-Trained Males â?? Also a good article
Each of these three are from respected sources. So, has anyone had results with like products? I know it seems like everything else Biotest makes works (and TRIBEX does increase libido).