Has anyone here tried Max-OT? If so, what were the results? I’m going to try it in a few weeks and want to know what other people’s experiences have been like.
I hadn’t lifted in over two years and was on and off the six years before that.
I’m amazed at the effects and the philosophy of Dr. Paul. I’m 37 years old now and I’ve been back now since October 2006. On the Max OT program I have experienced personal all time highs in working weight sets for every exercise I do.
Hell yeah it works!!
You will need to be careful with the elbows, knees and shoulders though.
Great Program. I liked it a ton when I did it and it really helped in boosting strength.
I have moved past it to try out different things, and I think WestSide is a little more my style with some “tradition” bodybuilding stuff thrown in (8-12 reps).
But I still use Max-OT paramaters on most of the big lifts (about 5 sets of 4-6 reps)
Low reps, heavy weight, compound exercises… good program.
I had good results with Max OT, too.
Best program EVER!
Use to train in 8-15 rep range when i was younger and didnt gain any muscle.Started max-ot and went from 184 pounds to 224 pounds in 2 years.
For the past couple of years ive been back training in higher rep ranges and have gained little muscle mass.Switched back to max-ot 5 weeks ago and ive already put on 8 pounds.
Im filthy on myself for giving up on the low rep stuff for a few years but i needed something different as i was getting bored with heavy weights plus my body needed a break from all the heavy lifting.
Its just good to know that u are throwing around these huge weights for 6-9 sets and out of the gym in 40minutes where as u have the skinny “bodybuilders” lifting light weights for 2-3 hours and looking the same year after year.
Mickey mouse weights = Mickey mouse body
So big thumbs up for Max-OT
[quote]King of Kings wrote:
Best program EVER!
Use to train in 8-15 rep range when i was younger and didnt gain any muscle.Started max-ot and went from 184 pounds to 224 pounds in 2 years.
For the past couple of years ive been back training in higher rep ranges and have gained little muscle mass.Switched back to max-ot 5 weeks ago and ive already put on 8 pounds.
Im filthy on myself for giving up on the low rep stuff for a few years but i needed something different as i was getting bored with heavy weights plus my body needed a break from all the heavy lifting.
Its just good to know that u are throwing around these huge weights for 6-9 sets and out of the gym in 40minutes where as u have the skinny “bodybuilders” lifting light weights for 2-3 hours and looking the same year after year.
Mickey mouse weights = Mickey mouse body
So big thumbs up for Max-OT[/quote]
Some good points in there… But you have to remember WEIGHT gain is all about the food you eat, not the program you are on.
If anything Max-OT would increase EPOC and cause a great burn of calories.
I think the greatest thing someone can learn from Max-OT is how to handle heavier weights, i.e. increase the intensity. The pre-working sets play a vital role as far as this is concerned.
I remember when i first tried Max-OT i realized how much intense a 5rep set can be. When you try the failure technique at such close amounts of weight relative to the 1rm, which is indeed a bit brutal, 8 and 10 rep sets seem so easier.
A squat set of 10 reps to failure may be tougher cardio wise, but a squat set of 4 reps to failure requires way more concentration not just from the 1st rep but from the get go. Same goes to bench press, deadlift etc.
I dunno if it’s the best program as far as hypertrophy is concerned. Also, what they recommend, i.e. decreasing the volume after u get acquainted(from 9 sets to 6 per bodypart) should be followed, since overtraining may occur otherwise and this is because in the beginning you are not capable of going to the tremendously high levels of intensity.