Exemestine and Anastrazole Dosage + Pricing (UK)?

Hi all,

Please can we leave the don’t do an A.I chat at home for this…

I’ve got to the point with my protocal where I wish to try a very low dose of A.I. I’ve had nearly a year of constant itchy breast tissue and at a therapeutic dose of T that gives me releaf from symptoms I get breast growth.

I’m looking at the cost side of things before talking to my physician about prescribing for me.

Q1) What in mg is considered a very low dosage of each drug as a starting point?

Q2) Cost for exemestene looks about £3 per 25mg tab in the UK and for Anastrozole Google is giving me very conflicting pricing?

Anyone in the UK paying private script prices able to comment?


Can I throw a wrench in and suggest getting Nolva or Raloxifene instead? You might get away with a small enough dose per week that you don’t have any sides and barely notice you’re taking it, besides stopping any breast growth

Mate I’ve been banging nova for a year and still getting gyno.

Appreciate the response but all I’m interested in at this stage is just trying it.

Really? Interesting. Well hope this works out for you then

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