You are a riot, dude. I remember a homeless tramp on Pennsylvania Avenue who looked at Donald Trump getting into his conveyance (after a flying visit to Bush with Arnold in tow) and shouted at him “I have NO respect for you, although you are powerful and shit. Take this as a gentle put down, though…because thats what all the rest of the homeless tramps think about the both of you”
And arnold and Trump chuckled and Arnold said “My poor waste of sperm, we don;t give a flying fuck about what a bunch of homeless tramps have to say about us”.
[quote]tmowad wrote:
Are you adding value to this conversation? Trying to start a fight with “some guy on the Internet” is about as low as you can get. At least make a point in addition to being annoying. Have something to say, and THEN throw in an insult. You’ll sound a little bit smarter
OK, that said, seriously… steroid use is definitely a “personal philosophy” thing, so this thread will inherently have differing opinions. If my opinion hurts your feelings, well, I sincerely apologize to ya, bro. I know my analogy is actually pretty harsh and perhaps even seems like a subtle put down if you’re a steroid user (this was only intended to make a point, not make anyone cry) – but MY OPINION is that “direct hormone manipulation” is just plain unnatural. Whether you use it to look like a chick, or to get huge, its a very complicated issue – one I’d never agree to involve my body with, given the world’s current medical knowledge.
Its also my opinion that anyone who does make use of such techniques will be less respected, maybe not in the mainstream bodybuilding community, certainly in the “real world”.
UkpairehMombooto wrote:
The collective IQ of the forum just took a steeeeeeeeep drop.
tmowad wrote:
…what he has is not accessible to me, because I’m not going to put my body through such ridiculous risks (my thoughts on steroids may be unpopular here, but I still think they are unnecessary and unsafe).
I mean does the guy deserve less respect for injecting something ??
It doesn’t matter what he DESERVES – just what he GETS.
I think steriod users get less respect than non-steroid users.
Imagine people found out Ms America was really a guy with a really good plastic surgeon. Would she (he) still DESERVE the title? I say “hell yea, everyone thought she was a hottie, so who cares”, but everyone knows she (he) would be none of that respect.
Yes I am comparing steroids to a sex change. (You’re taking a tonne of male hormones in one case – female hormones with a bit of knife work in the other)
So ya lets get pissy at people who wanted to be the best they can be !
Do your best. Steroids are your choice, but know the consequences, physically AND socially.
Lets all join body for life !
Nobody’s stopping you. Go for it!