'Evil Dead' Revived as TV Series w/ Bruce Campbell

Any horror geeks out there getting pumped for an Evil Dead TV series starring the legendary Bruce Campbell? According to the article by GeekShizzle, Starz decided to move forward with the project that was announced by Sam Raimi at this year’s Comic-Con. There is a reason to live my good friends!

mixed feelings. Loved the originals, enjoyed the remake, not sure about a tv series though.

Anything with Bruce Campbell in it revs my engine though, so we’ll see

Really pumped up for this as long as it has lines like:

Duke Henry : “I am Henry the Red. Duke of Shael, Lord of the Northlands, and leader of its peoples.”
Ash: “Well hello, Mr. Fancy Pants. I got news for you pal, you ain’t leadin’ but two things right now: Jack and Shit. And Jack left town.”


While I loved the original, and am glad that Bruce is getting a paycheck, I’m a little unsure about if this is a good idea or not.


With Campbell reprising his role as the iconic title character Ash, and Raimi onboard to director and long time producer/collaborator Rob Tapert tapped to join the production…who knows what glorious things can be dished out in 10 episodes. We can only hope right?