Bruce Campbell SPEAKS!!!

I’m sorry - but I just think that Bruce Campbell is DA MAN, that HE ROCKS, is THE SHIT. None of the Evil Dead movies would have worked without him. Especially Army of Darkness. That he is truly a underrated and underappreciated actor with both dramatic and comedic appeal and should not be forever ranked a “cult favorite”. And I may get to meet him in San Diego. However here’s a recent interview with Bruce: modules.php?op=modload&name=IncludePage&file= bruce (eliminate the space at “=” and “bruce”).

Hope you got to see him pedaling his book or at lease some of tape tape of him doing it. Plus, I like the way he has fun with the characters he has played.

Older Lifter: Bruce was in Portland earlier this year, signing his book. I missed the whole event. But he lives in Oregon. And from what I understand, is one of the coolest cats around. Indeed.

His next flick is one titled "Bubba Ho-Tep". Ko and I will be seeing the sneak peak in San Diego.

Here's a synopsis of this flick: "Based on the Bram Stoker Award nominee short story by cult author Joe R. Lansdale, Bubba Ho-tep tells the "true" story of what really did become of Elvis Presley. We find Elvis (Bruce Campbell) as an elderly resident in an East Texas rest home, who switched identities with an Elvis impersonator years before his "death", then missed his chance to switch back. Elvis teams up with Jack (Ossie Davis), a fellow nursing home resident who thinks that he is actually President John F. Kennedy, and the two valiant old codgers sally forth to battle an evil Egyptian entity who has chosen their long-term care facility as his happy hunting grounds"

Army of Darkness is one of my favorite movies ever! “Little goodie two shoes, Little goodie TWO shoes…” I used to watch that movie after football games in high school with a whole group of people. Bruce Campbell is the man (as long as we can “forget” that he is in Xena). I gotta watch that again!

AOD is one of our repeat views. My oldest has the collectors Ed DVD. BC spoke at Va Tech not too long ago, and our codemonkey of a son went to see him – said he was very funny, obviously intelligent, but perhaps a little bitter at h-wood. Wish he would do another AOD type flick.

I know which one older lifter is talking about. On cable here in NYC (not sure where older lifter is), on the weekends, C-Span2 has book reviews and I happened to tape the one where Bruce was in upstate New York talking about his book and movies. When someone asked him about Brother ho-tep, he said what it was about, but in his Bruce Campbell way, hinted that the movie won’t be too much to look at, even though it sounds hilarious. He’s always been a favorite of mine and having this half hour of him just being an ass is the best thing I have on tape next to band of brothers, Family guy, and some south park episode.

Is there a more underrated actor than him?