This is the lead article on the Drudge Report today:
It’s worth reading. Europe is in a shambles again for a third time in a century. Any thoughts on what’s happening in Europe? What could those of us in North America and Australia and Japan and elsewhere in the West learn from this? Will we be having troubles on the scale of Europe’s troubles soon?
Something I found interesting; in the decade following the 9/11 attacks the global Muslim population went through a dramatic population boom going from 22% of the world’s population in 2001 to 30% of the world’s population by 2011 and even higher today. The years since 9/11 have also seen a dramatic rise in the number of migrants from Muslim countries. Indeed, in Southern and Western Europe it has become a veritable flood as waves of poor economic migrants flow Northwards into the waiting arms of nanny-States just begging to be taken advantage of.
My honest opinion is that people are so disoriented by modernity and lack of values that they crave the austere formalism and certainty of Islam. I think some people in the West have thought ahead and realised that their grandchildren may live in a very different world and will adopt, perhaps forcibly, perhaps not so much, the religion and culture of Islam. Can you imagine your grandchildren or great grandchildren one day becoming practicing Muslims and living in some sort of theocratic state?
Any thoughts?