Estrogen Too Low?

I have searched and searched but can not find a specific awnser…
what would the side effects be in a male if estrogen levels were brought down too low?
thank as always

From: John Crisler, DO
My Current Best Thoughts on How to Administer Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for Men


My TRT male patients who suffer E2 elevations above the top of normal range are placed on 0.25mg of Arimidex every third day. If that is not enough, I use the same dose EOD. It is possible to cut the tiny 1mg tabs into quarters, but here a gel or cream preparation, compounded to convenient dosing, makes a lot of sense. A month later I recheck E2, and make further adjustment if necessary. It is important to not lower estrogen too far, which is easy to do with an AI, as doing so has disastrous effects on the Lipid Profile, bone deposition, etc. I prefer to maintain E in mid-range.