Estrogen Inhibitor?

To anyone who might know…

I was recently diagnosed with severe Testosterone deficiency. I have been on full test replacement therapy (100mg of Testosterone Cypionate (Depotestosterone) per week) for a few months now, and have noticed the improvements immediately. One thing that concerns me, however, is whether or not any of this testosterone that I am injecting is aromatizing into estrogen. For any of you who has input, would you recommend the use of an anti-estrogen like “M”? Have any of you had good results with this product? If I do use it, since I am on hormone replacement all of the time, should I cycle the “M”? Any advice/experience would be greatly appreciated.

I have been prescribed 125mg of cypionate a week. I get my testosterone levels checked periodically to make sure my levels are where they should be. Every time I get my testosterone levels checked, I also get my estradiol levels checked. My estradiol levels were very high, even before I started on the testosterone. I take half a tab of Arimidex twice a week and it takes care of the aromatizing.

On a side note, you should also get your PSA done every time they draw your blood to check your levels.

How did you guys talked your doctors in prescribing you test? I am thinking about asking for prescription too.

I don’t think the aromatization will be much of a problem unless you have a high percentage of body fat. But then again, if you have low T, there’s a good chance you do have a high percentage of fat. Always get your estradiol checked. I’m up for my first T check since starting HRT, and I’m insisting on an estradiol check at the same time. By the way, I use Quest for my labs, and last time they did a “female” estradiol test. The labs came back with a note to try the “Nichols Estradiol Assay” (code 30289) instead next time. Does anybody have any info on the differences in the types of test?

When you say you noticed improvements immediately, do you mean within a few days or weeks? I’ve been on HRT for 8 weeks now and my improvements are very subtle. Should I be expecting more?

Just ask your doctor to run a T test on you. You might want to check estrogen and cortisol levels too at the same time. (Claim you’re having problems with impotence if you have to.) If the labs come back with low T, he’ll probably refer you to an endocrinologist who’ll run some more tests and then you’ll get a prescription for T. It’s very common. Of course, if you don’t really have low T, you’re probably out of luck unless you have a really progressive doctor.


i am honestly wonderin how are your balls doin, size wise after 3+ months on the replacement?

A couple of things. Have you read the venerated article, “Your Doctor, Your Dealer?” It’s at html/body_128doc.html (remove all spaces when entering address). It may help in your quest. Also, there’s a group of doctors called that are into “Life Extension.” Do a web search. I can’t vouch for them, but I’ve repeatedly read that, as doctors go, they are progressive and generally a lot more willing to prescribe than your average physician.

You would ahve to have low levels first for 95% of docs to even think about HRT. I got a scrip cause my levels got killed by epidimitus. I am on 2 ml/400 mg a month, but need to talk to my doc about breakin it up into 2 injections… funny thing is that he wants 1 injection a month yet i take my test with me back home lol.

I too am feelin after 4 days some nipple itch and am lookin at M cause the Arimidex scrip is expensive…

anyone have any luck with it while on real test and not just prohormones?

[quote]Teufelhunden wrote:
You would ahve to have low levels first for 95% of docs to even think about HRT. I got a scrip cause my levels got killed by epidimitus. I am on 2 ml/400 mg a month, but need to talk to my doc about breakin it up into 2 injections… funny thing is that he wants 1 injection a month yet i take my test with me back home lol.

I too am feelin after 4 days some nipple itch and am lookin at M cause the Arimidex scrip is expensive…

anyone have any luck with it while on real test and not just prohormones?[/quote]

Never start a cycle without AI’s or Anti-E’s on hand. M’s likely not enough for gyno. Get some nolva, and some letro immediately!!!