Shutdown/ED on Anavar

Hey guys, just after some advice.

I ran 5 weeks var only cycle (40mg Ed) in December and then lockdown hit here in the UK so I stopped. Was kinda shut down for a little bit afterwards but bounced back pretty much.

Started Var only again at the start of April but only done 30mg Ed. As with my previous cycle in the first 2 weeks libido etc went through the roof, but then it massively dropped off as it did last time. I have decided to come off it entirely around 10 days ago or so, but now I feel totally shut down and have severe Ed to where 50mg Viagra or 10mg cialis still not really working. Made an appointment with my gp on Thursday but unsure what he will say apart from blood test.

I am really worried now I’ve started dating a new girl and can only delay sex for so long.

Any recommendations on what can help, or if and when the shutdown should start to rectify itself?

Said woman take it slow and it’ll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said sugar make it slow and we’ll come together fine
All we need is just a little patience


Why not try 50mg clomid EOD?

Well, there are tons of people here who know lots about so called PCT @lordgains @unreal24278 - they might help with this.

As for the new girl thing - just tell her the truth. Girls are understanding. I have had problems with this also while on cycle and just fucked up some hormones - they look at a huge dude and they understand that something is going on, so it wont be a surprise - just tell her how it is and tell her to wait. You can use this time to work on your communication.
Me and my GF didnt have sex for a month also, and it wasnt even planed or with a reason - it just SO happened that we could never get to a place where we could do it, so we just didnt for a while :slight_smile: Its no biggie if a chick likes you.


Var solo is a no no unless female. You have a non aromatizing compound with no test base. Recipe for problems. You need to start a PCT with Nolvadex or Clomid. 40/40/20/20 or 50/50/25/25 respectively in mg per day per week.


Did you not do any research at all …everything will come back eventually. Yes these guys are correct with regards to a pct but they’re way too nice. Stay away from steroids until your not afraid to pin test twice a week, you made your bed, now ,lol you don’t get to get laid in it hahahahahahah. Start going down on her daily :smile:

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What can speed up the process is tamoxifen or HCG. Usually you’d start hCG now for two weeks, then Tamoxifen or Clomid for four (should suffice in your case). To heighten T and therefore E2.

As @hankthetank89 said (really good advice), not having sex is no biggie if you don’t make a biggie out if it. I also didn’t sleep with my GF on the first dates even though she wanted to, it was no problem at all because I just said no and stayed cool and calm. She told me months later she was extremely surprised how I handled myself and wanted it even more afterwards. Women love a man who can handle tough situations and social pressure. So don’t let the ED issue get to your head, you will be fine.


The path to be married in a month.

haha, this is exactly what mine said also to me, after a while… she said that it was refreshing that for the first time she felt actually unsure if a guy wants her, because i wasnt all about sex ASAP, but just was like “whatever” if we cant do it now :smiley:
it does actually make a woman more interested because all their lives everyone just wants to have sex in the first date…
but you have to play it cool, not weird - like she has to understand that you could fuck her brains out, not that you are afraid to have sex :smiley:

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thats perfect she will think your a good guy… but the real thing is that you cant even get a boner hahaha

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like that joke about a guy who always opens the door for a girl to get out of the car and looks like a gentleman but actually its just a crappy car and you cant open the passenger door from the inside :smiley:


ahahahaha WOW

That’s the essence