[quote]erikeve wrote:
This may be a stupid question but I thought that ephedrine was illlegal now?[/quote]
My understanding is that the production, distribution, and advertisement of ephedra as a fat-loss supplement is now illegal, except for existing retail stock. So if you have three thousand bottles in a warehouse, tough shit, but if you have forty in the back room of your store you can still sell them.
I buy my ephedra (Lipodrene) from a local store which keeps the bottles under the counter and only sells it to known customers who ask for it. Their explanation is that while they’re permitted to sell their remaining stock in the product, they don’t think it’s responsible to put the bottles out on the shelf for just anyone to buy. They prefer to have some assurance that the person buying it is reasonably knowledgeable about the risks.
Read the label. ALL of the label. If you see anything at all that you have any clue you MIGHT want to be concerned about, check with your doctor.
That said, remember that a lot of people took ephedra for a long time and are still just fine. A lot of other people did stupid crap like not read the label, not talk to their doctor, and triple the dosage to make it work faster. Those people, oddly enough, had problems. Don’t be one of those people.
I’ve been on it for three weeks, and I have had zero side effects. I also don’t get the “buzz” effect people report from it, and the appetite suppressing effect seems less pronounced than people tend to claim. I chalk a lot of this up to my general drug tolerance, which frightens anesthesiologists.
There’s definitely been an effect on my fat loss; I spent three weeks doing nothing but lifting, no fat-loss supplements at all, and my body fat didn’t budge. Then I started the ephedra, and my body fat rapidly dropped from 28% to 22% over the next month. I’m not prepared to say that’s all the doing of the ephedra, though, because I’ve also been aggressively modifying my cardio and diet, which is undoubtedly partially responsible.