EOD Prop

Im running prop EOD, my question is when you consider the dose per week, some weeks you will only pin 3 days of that week (Mon through friday). To keep track of dosing more accurately would it be okay to pin EOD like the following:

Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun then pin on the monday and continue that day rotation?

Don’t look at it as one week but two weeks then average it out or look at the cycle as a whole not individual weeks

just count your week as 4 shots, f the day. Depending on your dose.

My example
1.3 ML assuming you have 100mg/ml

Week 1 Mon, Wed Fri Sunday,

Week 2 Tuesday Thurs saturday Monday

Alternating until your desired cycle length is complete

Okay so i will be on for another 13 weeks ish (rounded down), so regardless of the 3 or 4 pins in the working week the dose will even out?

just shoot the same dose

assuming you have 1ml=100mg>>>>>>>>>>> 1.3 ML EOD=520 Weekly

Monday=1.3 ML Wed>1.3ml friday>1.3ml Sunday> 1.3ml (1.3ml*4)= 520 weekly

Week 2
Tuesdayy=1.3 ML Thurs>1.3ml sat>1.3ml MON> 1.3ml (1.3ml*4)= 520 weekly

Its not rocket science keep the dose consistent to keep bloods even through your 12 weeks

the does is 500-520 per week a week is a 4 shots.

Stop nuking this

just pin ED

[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
just pin ED[/quote]

Yea just pin ED if that really bothers you that much. Your body has no idea what day of the week it is. EOD is more than fine. Your body see’s it as every 48hrs.

FYI, the actual half life of test prop is like half a day, or so…

EDIT: i can’t attach some of the links, but if you don’t believe me, Google “actual half life of testosterone propinate”

Why do so many people recommend eod injections with prop esters then? Is it just so many people are misinformed or??

[quote]kenny-mccormick wrote:
Why do so many people recommend eod injections with prop esters then? Is it just so many people are misinformed or??[/quote]


there used to be this graph floating around various sites, that claimed that prop had a 48 hr half life and enathate was 10 days or so… (and i will readily admit i parroted that BS until i found out otherwise)

however, if that was true, then why would prop injected every day result in very little aromatization? and why would so many guys use enanthate 2-3 times a week?

if you actually look up the Pharmacology of Testosterone Preparations (that’s a hint: Google that and read chapter 14), you’ll see that enanthate’s total active life is like 9 days, and the half-life is close to 4-5 days. and oddly, it makes sense, based off how people actually use the various steroids…

Here’s my ref, for those interested:

Page 417
Pharmacology of testosterone preparations
H.M. Behre, C. Wang, D.J. Handelsman and E. Nieschlag

Great read, cheers!

I pin prop eod. Works just fine.