Test Prop for Cutting Cycle

I am 6 foot 3 and 215 pounds about 12% body fat age 24. I have done 2 test cycles the past year and a half, added dbol for the most recent cycle and finished 4 months ago. Have been consistently hitting the weights hard and slowly dropping some fat from my last cycle, while maintaining most of the muscle and strength from the cycle. I’ve done nolva only and clomid only PCT, I’d say I recovered better and smoother on the nolva. Now I am looking to shed some unwanted fat. I am looking at 2 10ml bottles of test prop and want to inject them immediately. I just wanted to make sure I am on the right path. I know others have posted similar to this but I wanted some individualized help. So heres the proposal: I want to shed fat and maintain as much muscle as possible.

100mg test prop EOD for 7-8 weeks (inject mon wed fri) Can i take the weekends off?

Adex .5mg EOD taper off right before and during PCT

PCT: nolva 40/30/20/20 (3 days after last inject)

My maintenence cal is about 3200, 40% protein 40% carbs, 20% fat.

So for keeping muscle and loosing fat I need to keep protein way up(is 250g enough?). I will only eat carbs pre and post workout? what about breakfast? what should my daily caloric intake be while trying to cut? I will workout 4-5 days a week. How often should cardio be done? is everyday fine? Thanks in advance. Please help on the diet and cardio portion…

Injecting every OTHER day ??? Can you take the weekends off injecting ?

Whats wrong with you ? Do you now understand how test prop works ?

Inject EVERYDAY with prop.

[quote]Westclock wrote:
Do you now understand how test prop works ?

Now, now. How can you expect him to understand how test prop works when he doesn’t even know how to work a microwave. He’s 6’3, 215 after two cycles for Christ sakes.

I thought it was okay to skip injections on weekends, holidays and personal vacation days. Is test prop so unreasonable that it does not recognize those special occasions?

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Westclock wrote:
Do you now understand how test prop works ?

Now, now. How can you expect him to understand how test prop works when he doesn’t even know how to work a microwave. He’s 6’3, 215 after two cycles for Christ sakes.[/quote]

Whats wrong with that? He’s clearly training for sport and not bodybuilding…

[quote]G.I. Joe Galway wrote:
rrjc5488 wrote:
Westclock wrote:
Do you now understand how test prop works ?

Now, now. How can you expect him to understand how test prop works when he doesn’t even know how to work a microwave. He’s 6’3, 215 after two cycles for Christ sakes.

Whats wrong with that? He’s clearly training for sport and not bodybuilding…[/quote]

Where did you get that information from? Nothing is certainly clear from that post.

I am a baseball pitcher so I try not to get too big, it is nearly impossible to keep your velocity up if you are bulky and unflexible. I know you can get away with test prop eod, I was just asking if it was possible to skip 2 days (weekend) and still see results (keeping muscle while dieting and cardio)… if not just say so.

[quote]Butthammer wrote:
I am a baseball pitcher so I try not to get too big, it is nearly impossible to keep your velocity up if you are bulky and unflexible. I know you can get away with test prop eod, I was just asking if it was possible to skip 2 days (weekend) and still see results (keeping muscle while dieting and cardio)… if not just say so. [/quote]

You can inject 1000mg of test prop once a week and likely see results. I would never suggest anyone do that though.

Just inject it EOD. Skipping the weekends is asking for too much fluctuation between friday and monday.

I suppose your one of these knobheads who think you will melt after missing one day Westclock?? Probably done one cycle and get all your other info online yeah? haha

I know plenty of big lads who jab prop M/W/F bud the one day out wont make you ‘melt’ or lose all your gains within 24hrs like some knobheads think. Test is Test so if you wanna jab yourself EOD and dont mind go for it…if not do 300mg of Test E a week and chuck in a Masteron! worked wonders for me! Personal choice. Prop still kicks around in your body for 4.5days fact.

You are replying to a comment written, literally, 10 years ago. I know people like arguing, but this is a bit of an odd one to start.

Il debate with you real quick!

Injecting test prop EOD on a blast is essentially the same thing as someone injecting test E once a week. Sure it’s OK but is it optimal?

I believe all prop, ace, and short ester should be used ED for the most steady blood levels.

Doesnt really matter, I seen it and thought I would add my comment, just incase anyone else comes across the post…A bit like what you did to mine :+1:t2:

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I only use it 2x weekly. Serum level is not the most important part of usage. It takes time for gene expression, which using shorter esters makes happen much quicker. When you take your first shot of test E, you don’t feel it right away, even though you’re well above super physiological levels the next day. Gene expression takes time. Go 3x week let or 2x weekly, you’ll be fine.