I’ve lurked this forum for a while now and figured I would see if starting a log and writing down everything I do would help me keep track of it all, as well as get some lovely feedback of course!
I’ll keep my personal info for the bottom of the post in the meantime here are my stats:
Age: 21
Height: 5’6
Weight: ~165
Squat: 3RM 125lb
Bench: 1RM 110lb
Deadlift: 1RM 215lb
-Keep working on my squat form; especially maintaining it during max effort attempts.
-1 RMs (By April) - Squat: 155 / Bench: 125 / Deadlift: 235. I’m not the best at making goals and I’m not really sure what’s realistic here but I thought it’s still good to have numbers to reach for!
-Enter a meet! There is a meet in April I am thinking of entering for push/pull…only things holding me back are confidence and the sizeable chunk of money it would cost.
I made a thread a while ago that shows videos of my squat and deadlift form here:
I’m following the 5-3-1 plan, this was my workout from Monday:
80x5, 95x5, 115x5
The last 2 reps on the 115 were a lot harder than I was hoping for, but I think I maintained my form better than usual.
Box Squat:
I’m not sure if I’m rocking too far forward before I come up off the box and I’ll be trying to get someone to look at my form on these, but they are pretty fun to do!
Romanian Deadlift:
I’d never done these before so I took it easy with the weight, but I desperately need to work on back strength I figured I’d give them a try.
And tomorrow is bench!
On to personal stuff!
I’m a senior in college, graduating and starting real life this May. I’m getting my personal training cert in about a month and have a job lined up as a personal trainer after I graduate. I’ve always been interested in general weight lifting but was never very consistent or serious about it until this past May. Powerlifting was always a fanciful thought in the back of my mind until I actually met a couple of people who did it and realized that hey, real people do this! I switched from general weight training to powerlifting specific training in November and absolutely love it.
I also play club Ultimate Frisbee and it sometimes produces some complications, for instance due to a bit of overtraining (a max out week followed by an 8 hour practice weekend) I’ve strained both of my quads and my right lat. I thought I wouldn’t be able to squat yesterday and by all means I shouldn’t have but…it felt okay so I did it! In mid February we have our first tournament and after that it all goes downhill - tournament after tournament after tournament! Every other year this has led to me to quit lifting but I’m pretty determined to keep at it this time around. Not to mention I’m in much better shape than the past years so I’m remaining hopeful.
I still haven’t decided if I’m going to continue playing Ultimate after I graduate but I do know that I feel much better about my potential in powerlifting than ultimate and would probably pick the former if it came to having to make a choice!
I feel I’m reaching the finish line on my beginner gains and now the real hard work begins. Hoping to share my journey with you all, happy training!