Enlarged Aortic Root and Training

So I recently had and ECG and it says my aortic root is enlarged to 4.6cm. This is well above normal, but still under the size to recommend surgery (5 cm). I am scheduled for a CT scan in two weeks but wanted to see if anyone knew anything about this and what I can and cannot do in terms of training. If I don’t lift regularly, I decline in size rapidly. I do NOT ever want to return to my previously scrawny self, but would also prefer to live. Any advice?

45yo Male. 6’6", 245lbs. Probably 30’s for BF%

I would say first and foremost listen to what your doctor is telling you. You didnt’ mention that in your post?

If you want to do something in the meantime I would formulate a plan to work on this. Carrying around that much BF is not helping.


Doctor said I might have to stop lifting heavy. That seems a bit vague, as I consider heavy to be something much differnt than he does as I’m sure we all do. He says not to be alarmed, but it’s something that needs to be monitored. We’ll have a clearer picture of the actual size, as the ECG isn’t as accurate as the CT.

Started walking again to help address the BF. It’s hidden well given my height, but am not comfortable with it as I 've gained most of it the past year.

You said CT scan is in 2 weeks so why not take that time to focus on pump work/lifting technique and cardio/diet. If your losing size quickly but keeping protien fairly high you shouldn’t be losing muscle. Let the fat peel off.

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Just coming in to say ditto. Get the full diagnosis, learn what the cardiologist’s specific concerns are (like is it the valsalva maneuver that has him not wanting you to lift, etc.), and lose fat along the way. The cardio and diet to lose fat are also independently beneficial for your cardiac health.


I recently had aortic root replacement. When I found out in December it was already a 6.7 cm aneurism, so mine was operated on immediately. You’re not there yet, so my experience may not be relevant. So when the aneurysm was found they basically put me on lock down until 2 months after the surgery. Biggest thing I had to avoid was any work that got my blood really pumping and caused strain on the aorta. They were especially concerned about me lifting anything really heavy.

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If I may ask, how has your recovery from this gone?

I had to refrain from heavy lifting for a couple months after a heart attack to avoid injuring the tissue as it scared over and healed to avoid bursting.

It went as well as it could and I was fully cleared to lift as able after about 6 mos.


My recovery has gone well. It’s been over 3 months and I’m almost done with cardiac rehab. I’m gonna venture into the gym soon and test the waters, very lightly though. I had open heart surgery so the sternum suture is a concern. My aorta is a prosthetic graft.


Best of luck! I had to wait a couple months, then cardiac rehab, and slowly reincorporated weights.

All things considered, worth the wait. The consequences on these types of things can be immediate and severe.


I have no experience here, but definitely wanted to offer some support and encouragement to you gents being smart. We all like to be hardcore and ignore the doctor, bro, but this isn’t a sprained ankle. Think about how irritated we get when we tweak our back or hurt a shoulder lifting. Now imagine you end up back in a cath lab or worse. Great job combining being intelligent with being dedicated - getting through the rehab then reintroducing lifting in a smart way!


So I have an update on my condition. Went for a CT, and when the cardiac surgeon looked, I was at 5.3cm. That means at 45 yrs old that I have to have open heart surgery. Specifically valve-sparing aortic root replacement. 3 weeks from today, I’ll be laid up in the hospital starting my recovery. Now I would love to hear about what to expect the first days/weeks/month @DBL1967. Slighty terrified at the moment. Not for the procedure itself, but the recovery…

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Just take it real easy and follow the instructions of the doc & cardiac rehab team to a T.

There were a couple of open heart patients in each of my cardiac rehab stints, and they did fine.

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I don’t have any experience with this but just offering support. Hope all goes well and you have an easy recovery.

Prayers and God bless @dnky67

And @SkyzykS for that matter. :slightly_smiling_face:

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