End of the Cut, Starting Bulk Soon

Hi guys i just wanna praise my cut to bulk to cut results in almost a year.
Tell me u thoughts.
The big lean bulk starting soon !

Before Bulk 72kg

After bulk 80kg

After cut 72kg


Very impressive

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same lighting same place

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Nice going.
What was the duration of your cut?
I ask because, IMO, you should not bulk above a level that you cannot cut to in 12 weeks.


12 weeks exacley actually i endet it 2 days before 12 weeks now im on maintain level since today feel aleeady better haha
Like on my first bulki went from 72 to 80kg in 4 months now plan is to giain 1 kg per month instead of 2

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I should add that you should lose very little of your strength during this cut (IMO). When your strength noticeably drops, stop the cut until you stop the decline, and maybe even get some of it back.

I’m currently about 10 weeks into my cut and have seen my lifts maintain and even improve across the board, so I’d have to say you’re spot on. I think too many people accept strength/muscle loss as an inevitability and it certainly doesn’t have to be.

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i didnt lose any strenght i went even up on squats from 120kg 5x to 130kg 3x :slightly_smiling_face:

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i was chasing progress and didnt let my brain take over me i toked over my brain and keep fucking pushing :slight_smile:

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Excellent work! You’re doing a great job man! You’ve made lots of progress over the last couple years. Keep it up!

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a littlebith :slight_smile: i feel next year will be prime

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