KURI: Thanks again. I have no problem trying to buy local rather than overseas. I always have one doubt, though.
When I buy local and it winds up being more expensive, I will never know it if truly is more expensive because an asshole is greasing up his pockets with the extra
cost or if it truly is more costly. Should that be so, I have a budget to live on, and generally Ill take the less expensive one (hey, the same overpricing asshole won
t help me when I`m dirt poor, why should I overpay for him now anyway?).
But at the same quality/price level, Ill buy local (if it <i>does</i> exist indeed). Show me a company that is small, striving,
hungry for new business company, that reinvests the extra buck in something other than the management
s paycheck (expansion/research), and theyll earn my hard earned dough. Until then, it
s to the better lower-priced offer.
(Yep, I believe than once a business is fat enough, i.e. everything is paid or very near or with big margins, it is never the bottom of the pyramid who gets paid the extra, and all the gravy goes to a select few who most probably never earned their title from the ground floor up. And, anyway, the underdog is a nice counterbalance to the monsters in place who have yet forgotten they were indeed underdogs once in their lives.)
And, anyway, if I take the same cult-marketing
brands I talked about earlier, sweatshop or not, they`re always priced more than the rest of the market.
I am checking AmericanApparel.NET (.COM only seems to sell golf shirts) right now. The site seems to be well designed. Even have dog t-shirts. At first sight seems expensive indeed. 14.60$ for a mens T-Shirt, 41$ for a men
s Jersey T-Shirt…better take that free shipping on 100$ or more orders into account…otherwise…ouch!