Thanks, all!
I did a 30 minute gentle TM walk yesterday, which was helpful for a number of reasons, mostly concerning my head and my mood. I was definitely anxious about going into work and having a groundhog day conversation every hour on the hour about my face. I sent a pic to my supervisor to see what she thought, and luckily she’s a therapist, so said soothing things about it and pointed out the opportunity to model grace and acceptance with a (slightly) mangled face for the patients. And of course, who wouldn’t be pleased to be a model of grace at work. (Sarcasm.) (Although not entirely sarcasm, because I do talk at least once a day about not worrying what other people think or how you look or whatever.)
One of my clients (f25), a special ed teacher, was startled by it and started laughing, then apologized for laughing, and then laughed some more, and another (f67) didn’t see it at all. I was stunned. She’s mildly autistic and I’ve been working with her for 10 years. I had no idea she was so nearsighted. I wonder if she knows. Thank God she doesn’t drive. I inherited her from one of the two friends, and we talk about that dog all the time in session, along with Buttons and her cats and Moose, the dog next door to her. I assumed she’d be shocked and horrified and debated admitting which dog bit me but she didn’t say a word, just started talking about her cat’s thyroid. Then when I mentioned it, she got a magnifying glass (!) out of her pocket to look at it. Weird. I mean, it’s a 1.5 inch steri-stripped and stitched gash plus two other gouges that didn’t need stitching, one beside my nose and the other on my neck. It’s definitely visible. People were double-taking all day.
@Andrewgen_Receptors thank you for the information about BCP-157 and the offer for recommendations, but luckily I don’t think I need it. I’ll have a scar, but it won’t be large and is reasonably well placed near my chin. No muscle damage. It could have been much, much worse. My eyes!
I sort of laughed when I read this. Did you look at that dog?? Even if I’d happened to bring my gun, it’s an LCR…I’m not even sure that would do the trick with that guy.
But more, you’d have to understand the context and my friends. The text inviting us read “we’re having a super bowl party with my mom if you want to come, lol.” Her mom has pretty advanced Parkinson’s and weighs maybe 90lbs at this point. We say okay, just for a bit beforehand, and get there and it’s just us, the mom, and our friends, who are married lesbians. There’s a MASSIVE amount of food. MASSIVE. She’s been cooking all day. Is this expected to be her mom’s last party? Maybe! But it was just us. So we stayed until half time. When the bite happened - we were leaving and I went to say goodbye to the dog, who thought I wanted his spot on the couch back - the more butch of the two started crying. I’ve worked with each of them and they’re just good eggs. Kind.
I don’t know. My husband is protective of them and didn’t give any info when he filled out the hospital bite paperwork. I’m not sure I agree with that, but I get it. We just…feel sad that they’re having to deal with this and that I am. They love that dog. I’ve been around him for years without any problem. If he were my dog I think I’d put him down rather than risk him very seriously injuring someone, but I was not prepared to force that it happen.
Also, we’d just made arrangements to go to Key West together in two weeks, which came about because I was lecturing the butch friend about being nicer to the femme friend - my “feed the good dog” lecture - and…I don’t know. We’re protective of them.
@SkyzykS these are charter members of my Magazine Club from way back, part of the gang my best friend told me wouldn’t want to hang out with me anymore if I didn’t stop talking about Hockey Guy so much. They provided the flowers for my wedding, and we helped put theirs together.
The butch partner (although she’s really not particularly butch) is probably my husband’s best local friend. He has guy friends, but they’re all 3 hours away, where he’s from. He works remotely, so all of our friends come from my work, so licensed clinical social workers - therapists, lol. And she’s the one with land and a pond and a tractor - which no one but him wants to talk to her about.
I’m rambling. No LISS today. It hurts, so I’m sleeping poorly.