Embarrassed Movie-Watcher

A few months back there was a very entertaining thread about songs we are embarrassed that we like. So here’s a topic along those lines.

This past weekend, my wife made me watch “Love Actually”. It had been sitting around the house for about 5 months and I wanted to send it back to Netflix, so I agreed. Anyway, I actually thought it was a very good movie. More than a little hokey at times, but pretty funny and engaging.

So, what movies have you all seen that you are embarrassed to say you liked???


I just want to add that I wrapped my balls in tin foil prior to watching so as to protect them from the estrogen radiation.

Since I started the embarrassing movie thread…I’ll throw in my pics…(this might be worse than embarrassing songs)

I am a fanatical Tron fan(that’s not too bad)

I like the hotwheels “Acceleracers” movies.(That is fucking embarassing since I don’t have kids)

I’ll stop for now until I get some more courage!!

‘A Bug’s Life’ was playing in a store when I was in the Navy and I remember standing there watching it for about 3/4 of the movie, then I got in trouble because I was supposed to be helping the people stack the shelves.

I ended up getting to finish the movie at a Walmart. I got in trouble because my wife was looking for me for a while because she was ready to leave.

Oh, and I liked Titanic…

The Princess Bride

I am a Goonie and forever will be.

Long live Chunk.

[quote]nolecat wrote:)

I am a fanatical Tron fan(that’s not too bad)


Tron is nothing to be ashamed of. i love that movie too.
but the one movie that i am ashamed of saying i like… Gigli.

I enjoyed ‘Love Actually’.

Monsters Inc. was good, too…



The Goonies is an embarassing movie??? I thought it was one of the greatest movies of all time…


[quote]ScrambyEggs wrote:
The Princess Bride[/quote]

You do NOT have to be embarrassed!
Classic movie

Any Disney cartoon! Been watching Cinderella(over and over)with my 2 y/o daughter. And enjoying it everytime. (I’m soo lame…)

Also… Bubble Boy, Princess Bride, Dumb and Dumber, xXx, Universal Soldier, Blood Sport, and the list goes on.

Disney’s Cinderella.

I don’t care - laugh all you want. I would leave my wife tomorrow if I thought I had a chance with Cinderella. She’s wicked hot, and she cooks and cleans. The perfect package.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Disney’s Cinderella.

I don’t care - laugh all you want. I would leave my wife tomorrow if I thought I had a chance with Cinderella. She’s wicked hot, and she cooks and cleans. The perfect package.[/quote]

LOL! I’m more of a Sleeping Beauty type myself (I wouldn’t mind letting her touch my spindle). Actually, all of the Disney princesses are smoking.



  1. Cold Mountain

  2. For Love of the Game

That’s all you’re getting out of me.

Ok. I pretty much like all the Disney movies that are out.

Monsters inc, Tarzan,Ice Age, Lion King all of them. Pretty much every disney movie

And I have to say that I own all of them. Even the new Cindarella.

And I have seen them all about 15 to 20 times.

Now that I have said that. I also have a 2 year old little girl that loves them. And she thinks the tv belongs to her. So my little princess gets to see what she wants. I really dont watch tv any way.


I understand about the wee ones owning the TV. Have a brand new 50" LCD. Do I get to watch it… ohh noooo. Between Cinderella and the wife’s Desperate Housewives/lifetime channel. I am banished to the bedroom to watch on the old 27".

I understand about the wee ones owning the TV. Have a brand new 50" LCD. Do I get to watch it… ohh noooo. Between Cinderella and the wife’s Desperate Housewives/lifetime channel. I am banished to the bedroom to watch on the old 27".

Milo and Otis.

The Family Man.


[quote]qswitch wrote:
I understand about the wee ones owning the TV. Have a brand new 50" LCD. Do I get to watch it… ohh noooo. Between Cinderella and the wife’s Desperate Housewives/lifetime channel. I am banished to the bedroom to watch on the old 27". [/quote]

Oh yea the Desperate Housewives and HGTV. I am also forced to go elsewere If I want to watch Smallville.
