A few months back there was a very entertaining thread about songs we are embarrassed that we like. So here’s a topic along those lines.
This past weekend, my wife made me watch “Love Actually”. It had been sitting around the house for about 5 months and I wanted to send it back to Netflix, so I agreed. Anyway, I actually thought it was a very good movie. More than a little hokey at times, but pretty funny and engaging.
So, what movies have you all seen that you are embarrassed to say you liked???
I just want to add that I wrapped my balls in tin foil prior to watching so as to protect them from the estrogen radiation.
‘A Bug’s Life’ was playing in a store when I was in the Navy and I remember standing there watching it for about 3/4 of the movie, then I got in trouble because I was supposed to be helping the people stack the shelves.
I ended up getting to finish the movie at a Walmart. I got in trouble because my wife was looking for me for a while because she was ready to leave.
I don’t care - laugh all you want. I would leave my wife tomorrow if I thought I had a chance with Cinderella. She’s wicked hot, and she cooks and cleans. The perfect package.
I don’t care - laugh all you want. I would leave my wife tomorrow if I thought I had a chance with Cinderella. She’s wicked hot, and she cooks and cleans. The perfect package.[/quote]
LOL! I’m more of a Sleeping Beauty type myself (I wouldn’t mind letting her touch my spindle). Actually, all of the Disney princesses are smoking.
Ok. I pretty much like all the Disney movies that are out.
Monsters inc, Tarzan,Ice Age, Lion King all of them. Pretty much every disney movie
And I have to say that I own all of them. Even the new Cindarella.
And I have seen them all about 15 to 20 times.
Now that I have said that. I also have a 2 year old little girl that loves them. And she thinks the tv belongs to her. So my little princess gets to see what she wants. I really dont watch tv any way.
I understand about the wee ones owning the TV. Have a brand new 50" LCD. Do I get to watch it… ohh noooo. Between Cinderella and the wife’s Desperate Housewives/lifetime channel. I am banished to the bedroom to watch on the old 27".
I understand about the wee ones owning the TV. Have a brand new 50" LCD. Do I get to watch it… ohh noooo. Between Cinderella and the wife’s Desperate Housewives/lifetime channel. I am banished to the bedroom to watch on the old 27".
[quote]qswitch wrote:
I understand about the wee ones owning the TV. Have a brand new 50" LCD. Do I get to watch it… ohh noooo. Between Cinderella and the wife’s Desperate Housewives/lifetime channel. I am banished to the bedroom to watch on the old 27". [/quote]
Oh yea the Desperate Housewives and HGTV. I am also forced to go elsewere If I want to watch Smallville.