I’m “surfing the web” and come across this guys top 10 worst movie list. His reasoning behind his picks I thought were hysterical, figured I would share.
Yea that was some funny stuff…arnold’s one-liners in batman get me every time. I did like waterboy tho…
I really dont see how the “tremors” series isnt up there. Were there three of them, or just two?
First off, he forgot Be Cool, which is unquestionablly the worst movie ever. Kids is one of the most realistic, accurate films of all time. Eveytime I watch it I feel like I’m watching a documentary. And Belly was one of my favorite movies in highschool [except for the ending where Nas keeps talking about going back to Africa, that was pretty cheesy]. Granted, I haven’t seen it in years and I’ve never seen it sober, I’m sure it still holds its worth. Pretty funny shit, but he could’ve found much worse movies.
Tremors rules all ass. Especially the part where they trick the giant one to go out the end of the cliff, and then it bursts into what literally looks like spaghetti. B-Action movies rule. Most of them are better than the so-called new “blockbusters.”
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
I really dont see how the “tremors” series isnt up there. Were there three of them, or just two?
“kids” should have been called “retarded asshole kids”.
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
First off, he forgot Be Cool, which is unquestionablly the worst movie ever. Kids is one of the most realistic, accurate films of all time. Eveytime I watch it I feel like I’m watching a documentary. And Belly was one of my favorite movies in highschool [except for the ending where Nas keeps talking about going back to Africa, that was pretty cheesy]. Granted, I haven’t seen it in years and I’ve never seen it sober, I’m sure it still holds its worth. Pretty funny shit, but he could’ve found much worse movies.[/quote]
You had to have been high every time you watched Belly to think it was good. I was kinda into the Gangsta movies of that time if they were good and looked forward to Belly when it was released. I remember thinking at that time it was possibly the worst movie I ever attempted to watch. It was pointless with no coherent plot what so ever. It just must have been real good stuff you had the kind that makes the artist painter on the public access channel seem interesting.
Take Armageddon and Kids off that list. Kids is good for stupid ass parents who are asleep at the wheel not raising their children. Pretty Woman and Patch Adams right on the money though.
I was flipping through HBO this weekend and saw about 5 minutes of King Kong, what a fucking piece of trash.
“The Waterboy”!!! He lost all credibility after rating that as #10 worst. That’s a classic movie.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
I really dont see how the “tremors” series isnt up there. Were there three of them, or just two?
Actually there were four of them. The last one had Michael Gross (The dad on Family Ties, the survival nut in the first Tremors) and was set in the old west.
That guy seems to have some deep issues with race.
For some odd reason, I sense a tone of bitterness in this guy’s reviews.
I thought “The Producers” was the worst movie I ever HAD to sit through… first date, girl picked the movie. I wanted to leave that theater every second except about 10 seconds of reasonably funny parts.
[quote]ShaneM686 wrote:
I thought “The Producers” was the worst movie I ever HAD to sit through… first date, girl picked the movie. I wanted to leave that theater every second except about 10 seconds of reasonably funny parts.[/quote]
Then you never saw “the Avengers”. Worse than anything is the fact that Sean Connery was in it. I’m glad most people don’t remember that one. Between that and “The Hitchhikers Guide to The Universe” or whatever the hell the name was, those are the only two I have actually asked for my money back…and got it…with an apology.
Maybe I’m missing something here, but that line strikes me as nonsense. Am I missing something? Is it nonsense? Anyone?
[quote]Puny@138 wrote:
Nas is to acting what Derek Jeter is to heterosexuality
Maybe I’m missing something here, but that line strikes me as nonsense. Am I missing something? Is it nonsense? Anyone?[/quote]
No help here. I’m still getting over “talking black”.
Either way, Belly was exactly what I expected it to be considering the music video producer who directed it. It was a very long music video…without so much music in it. Friday is classic. Belly is just something to watch when you’re at your friend’s house and nobody is sober. To call out Nas as the worst actor in it is a great injustice to the poor acting of T-Boz. That shit deserved an award…for most active guy holding cards for her to read off of.
you are all wrong. the worst movie ever is the wickerman remake. it was awful…ly fun to see such a bad movie. i laughed all the way through.
note: this is a serious movie
I don’t see “You Got Served”, therefore the list is invalidated.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
That guy seems to have some deep issues with race.[/quote]
I would say so:
[quote]ShaneM686 wrote:
I thought “The Producers” was the worst movie I ever HAD to sit through… first date, girl picked the movie. I wanted to leave that theater every second except about 10 seconds of reasonably funny parts.[/quote]
The original is fantastic. I refuse to see the new one.