Elevated Liver Panel on TRT

I’ve been on TRT for 8 months and I got my routine blood work and my liver enzymes came back slightly elevated would this be due to the TRT my doctor says this is why but I didn’t think TRT would affect liver function. My testosterone came back at 1231 and my estrodial is high as well at 90.6. I’m starting aromasin 12.5mg eod to counteract this.
Would trt elevate liver enzymes?

No,TRT doesn’t affect liver function in a negative way, and if anything TRT can indirectly improve liver function.

If you are sick this could elevate the liver enzymes.

Your E2 is high because your testosterone is sky high. Why don’t you just lower the dosage? No drugs needed.


I had this blood work specifically because I’m starting a cycle I was on 125mg test and now I’m on 500mg test 315mg npp and 40mg dbol eod so that’s why I started the aromasin

Alananine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) are enzymes that, when elevated, can indicate liver damage. Unfortunately, your doc probably doesn’t know that even a 15-minute slog on the treadmill can significantly elevate levels of both of these two transaminases.

One old study from 1962 (Fowler) showed that even a short 8K run could elevate ALT and AST levels by 150%. All it means is that the runners incurred some muscle damage during the run and if it happens to goofy runners, just imagine what kind of damage your workout incurs.

As an interesting side note, one researcher (Pertusi, 2007) suggested that elevated ALT and AST levels are why liver damage from the use of anabolic steroids seems so common. The supposed liver damage (suggested by the elevated ALT and AST levels) was actually exercise-induced and temporary, as opposed to steroid-induced and long-term. Regardless, steroids are now thought to be much more damaging to the liver than they probably really are.

If one or both of these transaminases tests high, take a week off from hard training and have your blood re-tested.


Thanks man this is really reassuring and helped out a lot

If you slip and fall on the sidewalk this guy will blame testosterone. This is what you get when critical reasoning goes out the window.

I had a patient, over two years on testosterone, who got some kind of flulike illness. PCP put him on prednisone. After a couple of weeks he had retained a lot of fluid and his BP went sky high. He went to the hospital. ED physician told him it was due to the testosterone. He quit TRT too!

If you think you are healthy, you haven’t had enough tests.