Looking for a nutrition course which will cover improving performance, recovery and growth
also looking for a
Course on biomechanics, or is a course on kinesiology better if I am looking to learn more on how a muscle works/contracts and what type of movements stimulate the fibres best?
Based on all your forum questions so far, you seem pretty new to this. I suggest you begin pouring over the previous issues of T-mag. No need to pay for Mel Siff books and courses when this site has more info than you’ll ever absorb in a year - for free. Click on “Previous Issues” over to the left. There’s like 5 years of weekly updates there - articles, interviews, workouts, diets, research, etc etc.
sorry about not replying but i was very busy last week. Right, educational courses for nutrition and biomechnaics are very rare unless taught as part of a module either on a degree course or college course. You could go to college to study nutrition at night time but that would more than likely frustrate you as the status quo would go against what you are being told/taught here, the first step should be to get a good book like metabolism at a glance (available at amazon) and learn the basics of metabolis, nutrient uptake, glycolysis, AA synthesis and lipid metabolism. this will make you more knowledgable and able to spot shit a mile off! so in esence i agree that you should reread all the nutrition artices here and anything you can by Dipasqulae, duchaine, stout, antonio, grass and many others, this will bring you up to speed very quick and then maybe consider doing a college course just to “prove” that you have the knowledge!!
As for biomechanics, there are many
fine courses that teach this, usuallly the best bet is to look at physiotherapy first and branch off from that if you can’t go straight to biomechanics. kinesiology is also very interesting to study so have a look into that.
If you could make the question slightly clearer, ie are you looking at going to uni? (if so then birmingham has the best exercise bioc department) or just top up your knowledge?
well im a trainer at the moment and i want to improve my knowledge and experience.
basically i want to be able to analysis any type of movement to see what contracts, where it contracts, level of contraction.
i also want to be able to assess the muscles to see what type of movement would increase the contraction or what type of movements use more fibres giving a greater contraction.
p.s looking at that now, i hope they aren’t the same but said differently! lol
A good book that can be found in most UK bookshops is Strength Training Anatomy.By Frederic Delavier
Each page shows a different exercise and highlights the muscles involved.
I think that is what you are looking for.
It’s obvious that you are quite new to both the forum and the intricacies that make up weight training, so instead of people flaming you it would be nice to help you get better and understand more (i’ve read your other posts as well as this and it’s starting to look like snobbery is raising its head!)
The only probem with what you’ve said is that to truly understand how a muscle contracts you would have to perform an experiment where you replaced the tendonous origins and insertions with another substance that you could contract at will to see the effect and obviously the downside to this is that the subject matter (dead muscle) doesn;t neccesarily work like live and kicking muscle.
In essence the underlying principle of a muscle is the all or nothing effect where you cannot only work certain fibres and isolate them, that being said you can recruit different fibre types through hormonal and mechanical manipulation so maybe a goo dplace to start would be to look into the different type of muscle fibres so you truly understand the difference and reasons for there usage, the conversion of type IIB to type I with overtraining is quite interesting!
Beni’s suggestion for a book is very good and I recommend getting it. the only problem is that learning how to manipulate contraction can only realy come with experience and not through textbooks, obviuosly they will allow you to to garner knowledge which you can apply but the application would probably preceed the knowledge from a book in my experience.
Short of turning this into a massive spiel about science i highly recommned that you look at humankinetics.com and read any book you can get a hold of by this lot, their books are immense and a realy good place to start, they may seem hard work at first but keep at it.
thanx for ur patience stu, it is really reasuring to have ppl like urself reply with details.
sometimes when u do a search u just cant find what u are looking for no mater how many times u try and it can be very off putting to be told “Search more!”
No probs, even at the moment I have had to phone someone to get them to tell me how to do a minmial grow for some protein I’m making, so in essence questions make the world go round otherwise how would we all learn?
Some good books you might want to read are the poliquin principles and maybe tudor bompa seroius strength might help you as well.
Many,many people out there try and show how clever they are by hiding behind bullshit.
If you really want a thorough understanding,learn which muscles are responsible for the major movements eg Plantarflexion,or which muscles flex the knee.
You do not have to know them all,just the major ones.
It will stop you becoming a victim of bad advice.
i’ve been to college for 3 years studying and im going throught the YMCA p.t modules which will take a year
also worked in the industry for 3 years
scotland is just really behind everyone, even more so than england! not even many ppl i have spoke to know about paul chek, and how big a name is he!!!
This is a real tricky one to answer, obviously you are going in the right direction by training and being taught but I have a background in exercise physiology (now a protein biochemist) and truly believe that the ability to name muscles only serves one real purpose in the world and that is to make smart arse medic students look like twats!
By all means you should know the gross structure of the body and at least the majority of the muscles but the knowledge that you seek will primarily come through application. I notice that you name check Paul Chek, is he the sort of direction that you wanna go in? if it is then i might suggest a more intense knowledge of anatomy and physiology might be appropriate and certainly the role that the nervous system plays in muscular contraction.
If you wanna get some downright good science then go to pubmed and tap in what you are looking for and read the abstracts of the relevant articles and if they look good go to the library and get them.
I know the north is backwards (i’m from newcastle) but you can prove them all wrong.
good luck with your endevour and keep us updated with your progress and fuck the retards that can’t do anything better than flame someone who asks a genuine begginers (ish) question.