hey guys i was hoping for some advice from the knowledgeable people on this forum… i was wondering what 3 good core exerciese would be to use for the EDT Program by Charles Stanly (sp?) i am hoping to improve my body comp while not gaining more than a couple pounds (im a wrestler :frowning: damn weight classes!!! :smiley: ) i was thinking of using bench, clean, and zercher squats, front squats, or Deadlifts… maybe even goodmornings, though ive never done them before. Another idea i got from an old Westside article was the GM/Squat, you go down into a good morning and then drop into a full squat and squat the weight up. any questions/comments/critiques are more than welcome. Please Help The Newbie!!!

thanks in advance

Timmy 89

PS i just finished WSSB and improved my DL 3RM by about 20 lbs and my Chinup max by 17 1/2 lbs

my current PR’s are:

Bench 160
Military 115
Squat: 215x20 (to parallel)
Clean and Jerk: 135x2
Snatch 115x3
Snatch Grip Deadlift 200x3
Chin 1RM 42 1/2 lbs + bodyweight
Bodyweight Chinups on thick bar (2") 10 reps

anything else you want to know just ask… thanx again

Not to knock EDT cause I dig it for mass gain, but I would consider another program if weight gain were a consideration. Athletic pendulum(cy Christian Thibeddeiaddufdsguasoudfoasiu) training seems ideal for, well, athletes in all sports. Complex exercises(ie squat, deads, bench, clean and jerk) would be good core exercises when body comp is the issue.

I was hoping that in conjunction with GPP workouts and running on the off days, EDT would help my build some muscle and keep my strength while the cardio and GPP would help improve my body composition, I weigh abhout 148 now and im hoping to drop another 3-5 lbs in the next month and a half, then before wrestling season (end of november/early december) i will try and get down to 138 ish to wrestle in the 140lb weight class, so if you would suggest another program guys that would be great, anyone know where i could find the athletic pendulum?

thanx, TT

you know, I’ll rethink my position on EDT as it is fairly adaptable to the person and their needs. As long as you monitor your calorie intake you’ll be able to lose weight and you never know til you try if something will work for you. Check the archives for athletic pendulum training, it was posted about a month or so ago. Just make sure you follow the protocols for EDT training to a T as it could be easy to overtrain when losing weight.