So im currently taking 240mg test c no AI. Im feeling fine but I have ED all off a sudden - Would this be down to high E? It is a low dose but everyones different - I would rather get some advice before making my next move.
Evidently it is not a low dose for you.
How many days / weeks have you been taking 240 mg wk ?
How would we know without baseline and on-cycle bloods to compare?
Do bloodwork and see? How are we supposed to know? You can do it in 1 day and the mystery will be solved.
5 weeks now - it was fine until the last week
It seems that way. I personally reckon it must be raised estrogen levels I suppose bloods will tell
Maybe you have a opinon on the way I’m feeling from experience I will be doing blood work - in the mean time I just thought I would post to see if anyone else had experienced a similar situation,
Symptoms for low and high hormones are almost identical. It’s like asking a non doctor do you have a flu or a mild cov… You need to just do a test. You could have already gotten your answer if you would just do bloodowork the same day you made a topic we cant know.
I would say since he started taking a solid cruise dose with no AI, that any estrogen symptoms would be from high E2. If he had been using an AI, I’d agree with you that we just don’t know enough.
E2 is kinda weird too. It isn’t a linear response to Test. 240 mg of Test will for most guys result in close to as much E2 as say 500 mg of Test. Perhaps 75% as much.
Totally understand I need bloods done - just asking this as I’m waiting to get my bloods done no harm in asking people who have better knowledge for advise. I thought that’s what the forums are for right?
Thanks for the response. So for example if I double the test dose my estrogen may not rise double?
I am debating trying a quarter tab of arimadex (1mg) twice a week and seeing how that goes. I don’t really want to up my test as I’m trying to keep my cycles as low as possible.
It’s strange as the first few weeks I was a raging bull but feel like that has change now
I’d guess on your current dose you have an average TT of about 2000 ng/dL. If you double it you will likely be a bit under 4,000 ng/dL average. @readalot posted these graphs on E2 and DHT response a while back, and I think they are useful knowledge.
From the graph, I’d say if you were average, that you would go from an E2 of 60-65, to about 70-75. E2 response if very individual, you may be higher or lower significantly from those numbers. The key is that you would likely see a similar PERCENT increase. That is likely 15-20% increase (from the graph) if you doubled the dose.
Sounds reasonable. I’d get blood work first. Remember that adex is some strong stuff. I feel that because the pill comes as 1 mg, that makes many people think 0.125 or 0.25 mg is too low to do much. Well, 1 mg pills were designed to totally nuke estrogen in women. Fractions of a milligram per week do well to manage too high of E2 in most men. Some do need more. This stuff is individual, and that is where blood work is important.
Just start low with AIs. Figure out your response.