Alright guys I have recieved my 3ML Sachets made by eco oils and I have a question about storing them once theyre in the syringe. Each sachet will be enough for 3 injections at 250 mg each. So my question is, is it ok to leave the oil in a syringe for about a week once i load in the oil??
Yes. Load the stuff into a suringe and set it a side until ready to use.
There will be a little more than 3 ML per sachet also.
Check this thread about eco oils in sachets for some info:
One more thing. this video is about drawing from the sachets. I plan to use them in the future.
Thanks bro, I’ve already done the withdrawing from the sachets it’s not too difficult at all. I just wanted to make sure it’d be safe in the syringe… good luck with your cycle
[quote]Rocker 76 wrote:
Thanks bro, I’ve already done the withdrawing from the sachets it’s not too difficult at all. I just wanted to make sure it’d be safe in the syringe… good luck with your cycle[/quote]
Do not remove the needle once it is put in the sachet. Use the same needle, and switch syringes. Throw the needle out once all is drawn from the sachet. Attach a fresh needle and store syringe in a safe place, not temperature specific.
Not doing a cycle brother, just researching before hand so I know what I am doing
Thanks for the tip maybe you can answer this… I wasn’t able to get the full amount out of one sachet and it looks like I only have enough for about 200mg not 250…If i take this will it affect my blood levels or anything like that?
If it were me using the sachets - I would empty the sachets and filter them into a sterile vial. I have heard more than just a few horror stories about that stuff.
what would be the best way of filtering it all.
what kind of horror stories would these be?
Injection site absesses and injection soreness ranging from painful to unbearable.
I would filter any sachet gear myuself, and if I had much inhjection soreness, I would cut it with some grapeseed oil.
But in the real world - I would never buy this stuff. The guy that is selling stealth gear has one of the worst reputations in the community.
I can’t comment on him, as I have never bought from him, but there are stories on every board that are less than flattering.
Not saying that the EcoSachets are any better but I don’t think they are sold by the same guys who are selling “stealth” gear in 5 ml packets.
I’m guessing Rainjack is refering supplier whose name begin’s with “A” and has been a subject of controversy concerning BD gear?
Never tried Eco, or know anybody that has…but I do have a close friend that used stealth, from “A”…product arrived fast, and worked amazing for him.
[quote]fatsuperman wrote:
Not saying that the EcoSachets are any better but I don’t think they are sold by the same guys who are selling “stealth” gear in 5 ml packets.
I’m guessing Rainjack is refering supplier whose name begin’s with “A” and has been a subject of controversy concerning BD gear?[/quote]
Yes you are right. But if these sachets are the square ones that look different from the ketchup packets, and they have a red floral pattern on them - the are his as well.
Everything I have heard concerning “A” and the stealth gear sold by “A” is okay lol… Thats concerning people I know personally, but I have also read some pretty scary stuff from the net.
I heard that maybe there had been a problem with the first batch of stealth gear, but it has been resolved, any comments on this???
As for bacterial contamination:
The outside of the packet may be contaminated and should be swabbed first.
Someone might take one and put into a covered pan of water and heat it up. That could be useful to sterilize or pasteurize the product. I think that the limiting factor would be the BA that could turn to vapor and inflate the packet. That will reincorporate when cooled and will not, as a process, change the T.
If that works out, several packets could be processed at one time. If packets inflate and open when boiled, perhaps a lower temp can be used that will pasteurize the product.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
injection soreness ranging from painful to unbearable.
The other stealth is very painful.
When we worked our stealth, it was one of the things we worked hard on. Make it less painful, our advanced stealth is virtually painless.
If you wish to report on it, I can have something set up.
please email me:
image of the Eco Oil Sachet.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
If it were me using the sachets - I would empty the sachets and filter them into a sterile vial. I have heard more than just a few horror stories about that stuff. [/quote]
Agree 100% !
“A” isn’t the manufacture I believe. I think he is just the mass-retailer. Unless he owns Natural oils as well. Could I be wrong??? And yes a $4 filter is definately a smart buy.
Hey guys I was wondering if wiping down the needle with an alcohol pad was a good idea or not just to be safe?