Once a week on Sundays I go hiking with my girlfriend in the mountains for about 6 hours straight. It’s a lot of necessary cardio (I love hiking with her), but am wondering if there’s some way I can eat to minimize muscle loss.
I usually pack 3 meals (one quick one every 2 hours) consisting of chicken and fruit thinking that P+C is better than P+F while hiking. Is this right or do I have it completely backwards? Also, does anyone recommend carb loading before the activity or have other such tips?
well man, word has it that fruit will only replenish the glycogen in your liver… so maybe you’ll want to pack a chicken sandwich if you handle wheat well, or, if you don’t, some chicken and rice.
then again, you could always go for me 'ole favorite - beef jerky and gatoraide.
I don’t think that one day of hiking is gonna cause a massive reduction in LBM. Pack some protein and carbs (something thats gonna give ya energy) and have fun,don’t sweat the small stuff.