[quote]PonceDeLeon wrote:
If your goal is fat loss, some people say intaking a small bit of fat - in the form of oil - can ‘prime’ your system for handling your fat stores for energy expenditure. I have heard this from a few friends as well that have used this approach to get lean.
Nice way to get a cheap and decent amount of calories in you, quickly.
Maybe 10-15g of BCAA (powdered form) just before the cardio session could offset catabolism. You’ll just have to experiment to see what works best for you.[/quote]
I thought BCAA raised insulin levels? Is this not to be avoid during a workout?
[quote]pheneghan wrote:
1morerep wrote:
fuel cardio with carbs? why would you do that? the purpose of cardio is to burn fat so consuming carbs before will sidetrack that. do your cardio as carb depleted as is possible.
I had thought that carbs before cardio helps with fueling the exercise. Am training for a marathon and I don’t think I could do a 20k run without eating something beforehand. Well I could do it but I would feel very drained afterwards. I want to figure out what is the right amount of food for fuel these kind of endurance exercises. Or even for shorter HIIT cardio sessions as well.
I had thought that carbs about exercise helped recovery. Not taking carbs after exercise would surely meant a longer rest/recovery period?
well yes carbs before cardio would certainly fuel you up for it. but what’s your goal? if you’re looking to lean up then you’re burning the carbs and not your fat stores. if you’re looking just for performance and don’t care about how it’s affecting your body composition then yes i’d carb up before a 20k also. marathon runners take in enormous amounts of carbs. but do you really want to look like one?
and also carbs AFTER your workout is ideal to aid recovery. again it’s all about one’s goals.
NO! spiking insulin during and after weight training is ideal. i realize you’re kinda new here but have you read a single article on here about pre/peri/post wo nutrition? i suggest you do and this will all then make sense to you. try these:
[quote]1morerep wrote:
pheneghan wrote: I thought BCAA raised insulin levels? Is this not to be avoid during a workout?
NO! spiking insulin during and after weight training is ideal. i realize you’re kinda new here but have you read a single article on here about pre/peri/post wo nutrition? i suggest you do and this will all then make sense to you. try these:
I was aware that spiking insulin after exercise was the aim and to keep it even at other times. I wasn’t aware/did not know that it should be done during weight training. Will read the articles. Thanks for passing them on and being tolerant of ignorance. Good stuff.
[quote]1morerep wrote:
well yes carbs before cardio would certainly fuel you up for it. but what’s your goal? if you’re looking to lean up then you’re burning the carbs and not your fat stores. if you’re looking just for performance and don’t care about how it’s affecting your body composition then yes i’d carb up before a 20k also. marathon runners take in enormous amounts of carbs. but do you really want to look like one?
and also carbs AFTER your workout is ideal to aid recovery. again it’s all about one’s goals.[/quote]
I was concerned that if I didn’t eat carbs to fuel my workout that I’d burn muscle to fuel my workouts instead. Is this not true?
My current goal is to get lean so if I can get through my workout/cardio without using up muscle that’s my ideal. Will be putting any and all suggestions in action.
All - Thanks for all the info - its a great help!
[quote]pheneghan wrote:
1morerep wrote:
well yes carbs before cardio would certainly fuel you up for it. but what’s your goal? if you’re looking to lean up then you’re burning the carbs and not your fat stores.
if you’re looking just for performance and don’t care about how it’s affecting your body composition then yes i’d carb up before a 20k also. marathon runners take in enormous amounts of carbs. but do you really want to look like one?
and also carbs AFTER your workout is ideal to aid recovery. again it’s all about one’s goals.
I was concerned that if I didn’t eat carbs to fuel my workout that I’d burn muscle to fuel my workouts instead. Is this not true?
My current goal is to get lean so if I can get through my workout/cardio without using up muscle that’s my ideal. Will be putting any and all suggestions in action.
All - Thanks for all the info - its a great help!
Like 1morerep said, fast digesting carbs soon or immediately before any long/excessive cardio is ideal if you’re looking for performance increases…you probably will use some muscle for fuel otherwise.
Think of this: the more muscular you are, the more oxygen has to go to your muscles. That’s one of the reasons why marathon runners are so thin or soccer players have a hard time putting on mass on their upper body. Less muscle means less obligations towards sending fuel to them. However, if looking for fat loss, avoid the carbs