E2 Trough Levels

Hey guys. Was wondering if there is a chart like this for E2 levels.

If i take 1mg of Anastrozole with 100mg T. Cyp and test 7 days later before my next shot is there a way to know what the mean E2 would’ve been throughout the week?

Negative. Amount of aromatization is unique to each person and nobody has charted data to my knowledge as @tareload / @readalot did. Also, he’s been banned apparently again.

Regardless, thats A LOT of Anastrozole for 100mg T Cyp. Most men don’t need ANY on 100mg/wk.

No, but you could check the peak and check the trough and then you’d have a range

What!? Why?

Not sure other than what it states when you click on his profile name. He will be missed by many.

That’s for sure.

Maybe it’s just a temp suspension? He was allowed to come back prior after a period of time.

So if i take 1mg on Monday with my shot I’d test what like 24 hours later and then once again on Monday before my shot?

Sorry to highjack thread op.
@Readallot posted on exelmale why he thought he was banned, I’d be surprised if there wasnt more to the story…

He also said he’s done here and wont be back (but did say similar last time if I recall correctly).
And agreed, a massive loss in my opinion.

No idea what got him banned but for sure a loss for everyone here. I learned a lot from him in just a few days that I probably never would have figured out on my own.

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What’s his username there? I searched readalot but nothing came up.

Readallot or tareload but he may deactivate his profile (if you can?) As he hasnt been active for a few days

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Not going to lie I am very interested to know as to why with the whole “would not listen to staff feedback”

Not trying to instigate anything but we have Enackers and Carma posting, so with that in mind what did readalot do that we all missed?

Agreed. There are way more trollish tendency people on this forum that are allowed to stay. I mean I respect all the mods so there must be ‘something’ we don’t know about. Regardless I hope he returns.

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