Dumbbell Shoulder Press Form

[quote]MAF14 wrote:
Oh, well it just comes down to personal preference and what it feels like going through the motion.[/quote]

You’re right man. But if, according to you, there was nothing inherently worng with my form as you said, then why did one poster tell me to “cut the weight in half”?

[quote]Brett620 wrote:
Cut the weight in half.


Full ROM.

Repost video.[/quote]

Cut the weight in half?? Come on! His form isn’t that bad. He could perhaps clean it up by reducing the weight to 75’s or so. Still not necessary. The only thing I can see is that he should grip closer to the inside of the dumbbell. That would prevent them falling in.

[quote]MytchBucanan wrote:

[quote]Brett620 wrote:
Cut the weight in half.


Full ROM.

Repost video.[/quote]

Cut the weight in half?? Come on! His form isn’t that bad. He could perhaps clean it up by reducing the weight to 75’s or so. Still not necessary. The only thing I can see is that he should grip closer to the inside of the dumbbell. That would prevent them falling in.[/quote]

I’m not saying that my form is good, nor that it’s bad…that’s why I asked for your guys opinion since I know this is a very good lifting forum with expereinced posters. I just wanted to know what part of my form is wrong, but the poster who said I needed to cut the weight in half didn’t specify that.

So from this thread I’ve gathered that basically I need to straighten out my wrists and go a bit deeper. Also thanks for your advice about gripping the handles closer to the weight plates. I’ll definitely try that.

[quote]turku_lifter wrote:

[quote]MytchBucanan wrote:

[quote]Brett620 wrote:
Cut the weight in half.


Full ROM.

Repost video.[/quote]

Cut the weight in half?? Come on! His form isn’t that bad. He could perhaps clean it up by reducing the weight to 75’s or so. Still not necessary. The only thing I can see is that he should grip closer to the inside of the dumbbell. That would prevent them falling in.[/quote]

I’m not saying that my form is good, nor that it’s bad…that’s why I asked for your guys opinion since I know this is a very good lifting forum with expereinced posters. I just wanted to know what part of my form is wrong, but the poster who said I needed to cut the weight in half didn’t specify that.

So from this thread I’ve gathered that basically I need to straighten out my wrists and go a bit deeper. Also thanks for your advice about gripping the handles closer to the weight plates. I’ll definitely try that.

If my thumb isn’t pressed against the inside of the bells then they don’t balance. My gym has these newer dumbbells with an inside lip that prevents gripping all the way to the inside. So when I use them they tilt toward me instead of remaining level. I don’t like them.

[quote]turku_lifter wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Looks like you have a mobility issue in your left arm (could be due to elbow OR shoulder problem). See a good muscle doc or chiro. [/quote]

Thanks for the reply, but how did you see that?[/quote]

Because I have the same issue. It FEELS fine, but when you study yourself carefully in the mirror, you’ll see you’re not moving equally on each side (may be why your wrist is lagging on the left). May not be a problem now, but the compensation that occurs on the “weak” side may affect another part down the road and then you’ll have an imbalance.

[quote]turku_lifter wrote:

[quote]MAF14 wrote:
Oh, well it just comes down to personal preference and what it feels like going through the motion.[/quote]

You’re right man. But if, according to you, there was nothing inherently worng with my form as you said, then why did one poster tell me to “cut the weight in half”?[/quote]

Because that would be his personal preference.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:

[quote]turku_lifter wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Looks like you have a mobility issue in your left arm (could be due to elbow OR shoulder problem). See a good muscle doc or chiro. [/quote]

Thanks for the reply, but how did you see that?[/quote]

Because I have the same issue. It FEELS fine, but when you study yourself carefully in the mirror, you’ll see you’re not moving equally on each side (may be why your wrist is lagging on the left). May not be a problem now, but the compensation that occurs on the “weak” side may affect another part down the road and then you’ll have an imbalance. [/quote]

Now that you mentionned it, I think you could be right… I filmed myself doing DB Bench Press today, and noticed that my left arm was going noticeably deeper than my right arm. The left DB was actually going below my chest level, whereas the right DB barely reached chest level. Even when It ried to fix it with lighter weights, I had trouble keeping the same ROM with both DBs… I don’t know whether this is a problem with my right or left side though, as it wasmy right arm whicih was having trouble going deeper… I watche dold videos of me DB benching, and I didn’t have this problem.

Thanks for the advice