For those of you who know me and haven’t heard from me in a while, I say “Hey Douchebags!”. I’ve been offered a job with a government contractor. I knew a drug test was a reality and thought I was prepared, however I’ve received notice I am to take it way sooner than I had prepared for. I am not a heavy smoker by any means but I smoked a bit this past Saturday and a couple hits the weekend before that. I was planning on my start date being the test date but I underestimated the process.
This opportunity means a lot to me so I would like for this to be the non-issue I thought it would be. It is a time sensitive matter but I should be able to push it off till Friday. I’m almost certain I should pass, especially with available aids, but anyone’s input with first hand experience would be more than appreciated.
My first thought is a private dry run to see where I stand but I don’t know where to start in the Savannah, GA. area. The ultimate test will be with Quest Diagnostics.
By the way, if it is your goal to spew rhetoric or be negative, eat a dick asshole and don’t waste your time.
What kind of test is it?
Will you have to provide a hair sample, urine sample, or what?
How much did you actually smoke?
[quote]apayne wrote:
I knew a drug test was a reality and thought I was prepared, however I’ve received notice I am to take it way sooner than I had prepared for. I am not a heavy smoker by any means but I smoked a bit this past Saturday and a couple hits the weekend before that. I was planning on my start date being the test date but I underestimated the process.
This opportunity means a lot to me so I would like for this to be the non-issue I thought it would be. It is a time sensitive matter but I should be able to push it off till Friday. I’m almost certain I should pass, especially with available aids, but anyone’s input with first hand experience would be more than appreciated.
By the way, if it is your goal to spew rhetoric or be negative, eat a dick asshole and don’t waste your time.[/quote]
Can’t mean too much if you knew you were going to have to take a drugs test them decide to smoke anyways.
I’ve eaten cow dick before.
Why not get a testing kit from CVS, quest would use something similar you would think.
If you know u are dirty you can do this:
Get clean pee, then put it in a viseon bottle(biggest one), strap that to your leg, then put a hand warmer on it, Make sure the pee is at your body temperature, then when you need to do a urine test, you have the correct temp and clean pee.
Hair sample your screwed. You shouldn’t worry about it, seems like you’ve only done it twice in a while, could be wrong tho. I would just get a testing kit from cvs.
Doesn’t weed stay with you for 30 days? I’m going to guess you’re screwed. Also like Xylene said, the job must not have had that much meaning to you if you were out smoking. Do you think they are not going to test you once you get into the job?
I say man up and say something they are going to catch you anyway, if you come clean and tell the truth you might be able to save something.
You should probably workout HARD, run 30 miles, do squats, deads and chins all in one day, every day. Drink 2 gallons of water per day. Do this every day until the test, then take a drug test kit. It’s worked for me.
I had to take a drug test when I applied for a position with a govt agency. I passed the test by using Dr. Green’s agent X, a synthetic urine. Nobody supervising in the bathroom, but no running water. The main thing they check is the temperature. At the lab, they check creatine levels and if your urine appears diluted from drinking too much water you will have an inconclusive result.
DO NOT admit what you did if you want the job this year. Otherwise I think that there is a period of time during which you will be a disqualified applicant and you will have to resubmit your entire app and redo your exams.
Another technique that a friend has used was drinking a small quantity of bleach in a gallon of water. I have only know 2 people who used this method and they lived through it, but I would be too scared.
Sitting in a sauna helps, and if you drink water some recommend taking a b-complex vitamin to make urine yellow.
I dunno what gov’t agency 99 applied for but having worked both for the government and as a contractor I was watched as I pissed in the cup (also, you don’t get to reapplie you’re blacklisted).
If you try and drink lots of water your test will come back too clean. Basically the reading will come back the same as if you pissed in the cup and poured water into the cup before turning it in. Either way you’ll fail.
Weed stays in your system too long, so I would be suggesting you look for a new job. If it was a water soluble compound you could drink lots of water and flush your system BUT weed is not. Can’t say I feel bad for you though, I’ll government is having enough troubles without pot heads working for them.
One last thing depending on the contractor you may have to take a lie detector test. I’ve done those before and they generally count anything done in high school as experimentation and are cool with that.
I did my test at Quest, and they didn’t watch me.
Perhaps you can contest the results and say it was an error, and retest? Hopefully by then it would be out of your system.
[quote]nephorm wrote:
I did my test at Quest, and they didn’t watch me.
Perhaps you can contest the results and say it was an error, and retest? Hopefully by then it would be out of your system.[/quote]
I’d think you’d have a better chance getting a retest if your sample was diluted as opposed to testing positive, so I’d say start drinking.
I had a friend that found out the day after he smoked up that the pharmaceutical company would be testing him prior to him starting with them. A couple “more experienced guys” told him to drink a lot of cranberry juice. He did and worked out a lot.
I can’t say if it worked or not, but they gave him the job and never mentioned test results.
I have had a similar experience, where I found out I had to take a test 1 or two weeks after smoking. If those were your only times of use lately, you should be fine. The tolerance they set for weed generally screens for immediate or habitual use (I imagine). I passed just fine with no trickery.
Thanks for the input from some of you. The job is for a private company who contracts for the government and I will be supervised during my urine sample. Nep, I’ll be up in your neck of the woods soon.
For the guys who voiced their opinion about my priorities, thanks a bunch. I am not starting the job for a month and didn’t think I’d be taking any test till then. I think I should be fine as I am a very infrequent smoker, just want to be diligent in making sure.
For the person who recommended a test from CVS, thanks, I wasn’t aware they were available, I will definitely do that.
First, get a private test done. Look around in the phone book or listing off the web for available labs. Your docotors office may even be able to do this.
There is one of two tests that will be given, an immunoassy or GC. The ia isn’t as sensitive and it is cheaper to run. On the other hand, the GC test is very sensitive and more accurate. It gives less false positives, so if it says positive, you’re busted.
The limit for a positive is 10ng/ml for thc metabolites. Anything over that is considered that you smoked.
There isn’t much you can do to mask drugs on a GC. It can detect anyting that is present in your urine. All those “aids” that are sold are based on the fact that you have to drink so much water, that you probably pass because of the uring dilution. Don’t waste you money.
[quote]nephorm wrote:
BigRagoo wrote:
Any other questions, feel free to PM me.
Ragoo: Maybe some information there you want to redact as this is a public forum that could be read by anyone… PM to apayne might be better.[/quote]
Well, the info I’ve given can be found on the web, so it’s not a secret. And though I do work with GC’s, it has nothing to do with drug testing. I’m just very familiar with the sensitivity and detection capabilities of the GC/mass spec.