How to Get Around a Steroid Test?

Hi, I’ve been lurking for quite a while, but just now posting. Our team is going to have a new drug testing policy in which 10% of the team is tested specifically for steroids. I was hoping someone knew of a way to come up clean while still on steroids. Is there anyway? Most everybody who uses is on either Test Deca Winny or Sust. I’d appreciate any help.

are they testing for specific metabolytes or just your test count? i would think it would be harder to beat the metabolyte test as i am not sure there is anything that can mask that. as for the test level test, i assume that would be easier to beat. what type of test are your friends using as some have longer half -lives in the system which would cause your “test” levels higher longer.

They just test the T count. I’ll ask everybody what they are on specifically.

[quote]tveddy wrote:
Hi, I’ve been lurking for quite a while, but just now posting. Our team is going to have a new drug testing policy in which 10% of the team is tested specifically for steroids. I was hoping someone knew of a way to come up clean while still on steroids. Is there anyway? Most everybody who uses is on either Test Deca Winny or Sust. I’d appreciate any help.[/quote]

Have not tried it myself but worth the price if it works. They also sell masking agents at your local gnc in forms of teas and drinks that promise to beat any test, although this is the only one i know of that specifically works for juice.

That steroid cleanse would work maybe, because our policy says that after the first positive you’re given about 2 weeks to get clean and then tested again. But we only recieve about 30 minutes notice that we are going to be tested. I was hoping that maybe there would be something like an injectable SHBG or injectable epitestosterone that would put the ratios to the right levels (if thats possible). Thanks for replying.


if you’re currently on cycle, then now would be the time to scrap it and start PCT…and try that cleasning stuff, although i was under the impression that it just flushes you out for a short time (2-4 hours)

basically diuretics and a few other techniques.

diuretics flush a ton of water out and dilute the concentration of certain undesired elements.

I put up a complete post on this subject a few months ago. Do a search on “steroid testing passing” or something similar. Its a long post so you’ll know when you’ve hit it.

Ok heres my advice… My stepfather is a doctor and I had him bring home some urine drug tests a few times (he works for various companies and at times he has to test workers for drugs). Anyhow I used to be a bit of a pot head and I thought I would see what I could do to beat this test.

The night before I took the test I drank as much acidic fluid as I could (the acid flushes your system cranberry juice is good), lemon juice concentrate, the works and I drank alot of fluid. The next morning I drank even more fluid (you want to dilute your urine) then I drank a shitload of coffee which acts as a diuretic.

About an hour and a half before the test I ate a bunch of TUMS which are basic, the base keeps toxins in your system and out of your piss (this is the theory anyhow). Well I took the piss test and I tested negative for THC in my urine, and there would have been a lot of it!!! My stepfather knew I smoked pot but he was impressed when I passed the test. So my advice to you is if you use a tea or some sort of drug cleansing liquid allso follow my advice as well and together you may beat the test.

Another method that has worked well for a few of my buddys is this: Buy a camel sack, one of those water bottles that go on your back when you are riding a bicycle that have the long straws to drink from. Fill the back with a buddys piss, but make sure hes not on roids or any other drugs. Then before you do the test go to a 7-11 (this is what my buddy did) and microwave the liquid on low to warm it up. Strap the Camel Sack to your stomach under your shirt. When you go to piss pull out your roided up tallywag but allso pull out the straw from the camel sack, put the piss in the cup still warm and ready to serve!!! This method works well, you can store the piss in your locker or car and use it whenever you need, just nuke it first so its warm.

[quote]The Dmachine wrote:
Buy a camel sack…[/quote]

Do you mean a Camelback?

I’m not sure I’d want to go into a store and ask for a camel’s sack.

i thought the guy asked about how to get around steroid testing , not testing for pot…

can you say apples and oranges:)


I talked with some people and I think that everybody decided to just get a syringe and a tube and have someone elses piss in there and do like a catheter. since they won’t have but 30 min’s before hand. But if anybody knows something else that works and doesn’t hurt lemme know.