I got one to one-up all you faaaags, was so incredible that right when I woke up I wrote it down.
I’m gonna give a slight background information paragraph here.
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), is one of the most potent psychedelics know to man. Basically, when LSD is getting boring to you, a psychedelic junkie will go to DMT. Here’s the cool part, your brain produces this drug, while your sleeping. It’s why you have dreams. Basically dreams are just series of psychedelic trips. For the first time in my life, I FELT how trippy dreams can be. This is the trippiest experience i’ve ever had.
(this is basic info I have on the subject, If i’m wrong about DMT and it’s production by the body, feel free to correct me)
I just napped. Like just now, on January 29th from 4pm to 6pm. With my pillow over my head like a little tent and i proceded to dream.
I dreamed that I was in my dorm and took a nap in the same way I did in real life (but i didn’t know I was dreaming yet). Then I hear a knocking at my door, there’s all this commotion going on and shadows running around that I can see under the door, and go outside and someone yells that the dinosaurs are taking over, they were at a park and started spreading (Jurassic Park reference there?? maybe i don’t know)
. I start fucking running and find a car and get in, because it’s going back home where I can regroup with my family ( apparently? it was that dream logic, you know what i’m talking about)
. On the way, it’s a super megafreeway we’re driving on, you can see fucking velociraptors fucking tearing up the entire city. Some regular sized ones like in the movies, and like one or two godzilla sized ones. At this point i realize that i’m in a dream (not that I was in a dream within a dream though) and I decided to ride this badass dream out because since I knew it was a dream and I wasn’t waking up from it, I could do whatever I wanted.
So we’re driving away and we see F-fucking-16s jetting over us and shooting missiles at one of the godzilla raptors as we drive basically away.
Holy Crap it looked so fucking epic, no CGI in a movie could ever fucking do what I dreamed within my dream. LIke aghhha, you know in Cloverfield when you see that big monster getting bombed? Yeah, that’s like your grandmother sewing compared to how epic this was.
Then a velociraptor, on the highway, jumps onto our fucking car and starts clawing in! And I’m screaming my ass off in a fun way like when you’re in a ride and you know shit can’t happen to you but you’re still fucking screaming anyway (since I knew i was in a dream) and one of the F-fucking 16s fucking turns around and uses it’s massive fucking 50 caliber gun at the front to blast this shit off.
We almost die, but we don’t because this is my dream and I decided we survived.
So we’re driving away fast to get to this hideaway in the country.( Because out on the hillside the apocalypse is always delayed duh). It’s a nice little house with cars, because we’re gonna caravan out of here with other random ass people.
The fucking hillside on the way over there, fucking gorgeous. Like wow, again no CGI in a movie could ever do that justice. Man in was great. Greens that i’ve never seen in real life, a;slkdjf that was cool.
Anyway, we get there and I’m worried because I don’t see my family, but at the same time i’m like damn this is a badass dream. I go inside the house to look for Mrs. Mercado (one of my good friend’s mom i guess she was like leading the caravan??) when I hear her scream in the bathroom. I run in and Mrs. Mercado runs out saying, “The dinosaurs are here too, run!” I look back and see one clawing through a door (she must’ve trapped it) and we start running out.
I see my family is there in a car, we’re panicking, (well everyone else is panicking, not me cuz i know it’s a dream) and since I knew it was a dream I fucking punched through the door of the van, ripped it open, then reclosed it behind me just because I could LOL like just because I could I did. =)) Oh and apparently it was normal to do that because nobody even questioned it. I love dreams.
If the rest of my family was real, they would’ve been able to see the gratification in my face since I could manipulate reality.
My sister has to drive one car on her own for SOME reason, like she HAS to. So we take off and there’s like raptors running up the hillside towards us and of course my sis is lagging and about to fucking die.
Ok now read this next part fast as if you were trying to say as many words as you could in one breath. I typed it in this context, and that’s how it happened.*
All of our cars come to a screeching halt, we get out, she’s gotten out and running towards us, a raptor is about to get her, I tell my dad to give me his fucking gun! more like I scream it, everything here is slowed down because I needed to slow it down or my sis would die, I grab the .357 magnum that my dad apparently had, whip it over, it’s fucking heavy (even though i can do whatever I want in my dream I still can’t myself whip it around any faster) and I slowly aim it at the raptor about to pounce on my sister who tripped, fire twice, both of the shots hitting the raptor and kill it. HELL YEAH. (Sorry for the punctuation in that paragraph, but if you read it with sentences and periods, it would ruin the full effect for how much happened in just a few seconds.)
I feel like a total badass at this point. But the raptors (so many) are still coming. This is where I really pulled the it’s-my-dream-i-can-do-whatever-I-want thing out of my ass.
I remember it’s my dream (i still didn’t know it was a dream within a dream yet) and I fucking do this thing where the best I can explain it is I just alter all of reality, grab up all the people with me, and basically jump to where we were heading off to in the first place(hold your breath haha), which just so happens to be South Padre Island, where it’s apparently the safe haven for the world, who would’ve thought?
So we’re there and everything’s great. SPI is FUCKING GORGEOUSSSSSS. Like again, nothing is as beautiful as what I saw. I can try my best to explain it. We are on top of like a high mountain type thing, where the summit is like an acre wide and long and you can look down to see everything else. It’s gorgeous, like an oasis with beautiful blue water everywhere. There’s springs and shrubbery and flowers and fucking-it’s fucking basically the garden of fucking eden. And the whole time I have a gigantic smile because I know this is a dream but the sight is so fucking beautiful…
Then it happens. When you know it’s a dream, and you start losing your grip on the dream world. I felt it…slipping away. Fuuuck. I “wake up” in the same position I actually fell asleep in (I fell asleep in my dream, in order to go into my dream dream, in the same position that I went to sleep in real life, so that’s why I thought I was awake, when I was really just in my first dream still.)
Then I look to the door and there’s commotion outside. Oh shiet, it’s looking exactly like the start of my dream dream!!! with the commotion under the door, so i’m like holy shit. I open the door and some dude’s there. He says something to me that I don’t really remember, but when I turn around, my room is suddenly like a massive party room with like 20 beds in it and a bunch of people are having a party in there and jumping on the beds. And i’m like “badass!!” I jump in and start wrestling one of the hot girls there
Then I wake up for real this time.
And I take my head out from under the pillow, look around, and realize what the fuck! just happened. and I laugh for like 20 seconds. Then I had to write this down. Wow, i’m sleeping with my pillow over my head from now on because that was such a trip!!