[quote]Der Candy wrote:
I had a recent dream where I was a superhero of my own imagining, known as the Magician. I had armour, helmet (that looked liked one from Killzone) and gloves. The armour provided me with protection from knives, bullets etc. The helmet provided me with mild precognitive abilities and telekinesis.
But what was truly cool were the gloves. They had disks implanted into them that would allow me to creat magnetic and anti-gravity force fields, so that I could fly and also manipulate metal objects (like Magneto… but not to the same extent). They were also wired up to an energy pack on my back so that I could cast electrical bolts.
Anyway, the actual dream is funny because it is set in The Dark Knight. Well the Joker is robbing a bank with some thugs, and the police have got their guys on the second floor with snipers on him and his crew, but for some reason they are not authorized to take any shots.
In other words, the Joker has gotten his plans to the point that the police aren’t allowed to take him down. All they can do is threaten him while he proceeds to rob a bank.
Now the Magician won’t have any of this, and I break into the bank via the roof, landing in an office from which I break down the door. Then I find myself standing at a large stairway at the second level of the main entrance hall (It’s a big bank). The stairs are lined with cops. The Joker now knows I’m here, and he doesn’t waste a second to try and kill me.
He throws a grenade at me and it lands on the stairs as I am making my way down by sliding down the rails. “Get down” the cops scream to each other as the grenade is literally in their midst.
With a single gesture I pick up the grenade from a distance via my magnetic gloves and blast it back at the thugs. It blows up, killing several. But the Joker survives, hiding around a corner, at the doorway to a room full of the bank’s staff.
I activate the gravity repulsors on my hands and swoop down to Jokers men as they rain bullets at me (my armour protects me). I land, and one rather meaty fellow swings the butt of his shotgun at my face but I crouch instinctively, only to rise just as fast and land a sharp elbow into his temple that swings him off his feet and onto the floor.
Another points his sub machine gun at me, the sneer of glee on his face quickly turning to shock as I outstretch a hand and blast him twenty feet into the air with a lance of electricity emanating from my palm. I take out several more thugs in quick succession.
And now I find the Joker in front of me. Saying nothing, with not even a smile, he lashes out with a fist -----I catch the fist in mid air, spin him around as he pulls out a magnum from his clothes, and simply grab his hand - breaking his fingers as I do so – and pull the gun from his grasp.
I make sure he is held tightly with my left arm as I gaze into the room full of bank workers. There are several thugs who reveal themselves. One on my right cranks a shotgun but a single blast into his neck sends him reeling.
Another bastard, 12 feet infront of me, lines up my head with the barrel of his long, gleaming pistol… I drop the gun thats in my hand and with a single thought, the enemy’s pistol flies out of the gunman’s hand and straight into mine. I blow his stumped expression to pieces.
That’s where the dream ends. Hopefully it means the police apprehended the Joker. The Magician escapes… to fight another day. [/quote]
You should write a screenplay of your dream and send that to some movie studio.