I just felt like I had to. It’s gotta be one of the few cartoon I’ve seen where the muscular characters actually had real legs.
I know it altered my perception of the ideal physique to some extent. I mean these guys ended up pretty jacked (for a Japanese cartoon). Heck, there was this chick back in high school who used to try and “power up” before picking fights with random people. A bit crazy, but still hilarious.
The show I think overstepped the mark after the Cell Saga, but oh well.
It got kind of ridiculous later on in the series. Same formula over and over: Strong enemy, heroes get stronger, defeat strong enemy, another stronger enemy appears etc…
It was definitely a good show though, ‘dragonball’ the original series was just as good.
I’m sure that watching this in elementary school planted the seeds of bodybuilding and strength training in my subconscious.
[quote]LiftSmart wrote:
It got kind of ridiculous later on in the series. Same formula over and over: Strong enemy, heroes get stronger, defeat strong enemy, another stronger enemy appears etc…[/quote]
Yeah, after the Cell Saga, I lost interest. I didn’t even bother with GT.
But I though until then, it was a great show.
The main interest for me was how jacked they got, but without a magic pill. I mean, apart from the senzu bean.
It should have ended with the Freeza saga, but I think it was so popular that Akira Toriyama had to continue. Cell saga was good. Buu saga was ASS. I hated it.
Favorite character: Piccolo. The fucking man. After everyone went Super Sayian, he’s the only one who could hang in the fight.
2nd Favorite: Vegeta. He has his bitch moments, but I relate to him.
[quote]Makavali wrote:
LiftSmart wrote:
It got kind of ridiculous later on in the series. Same formula over and over: Strong enemy, heroes get stronger, defeat strong enemy, another stronger enemy appears etc…
Yeah, after the Cell Saga, I lost interest. I didn’t even bother with GT.
But I though until then, it was a great show.
The main interest for me was how jacked they got, but without a magic pill. I mean, apart from the senzu bean.[/quote]
All the senzu bean did was bring them back to full health. Everyone trained their asses off to get strong. Vegeta damn near died training.
Vegeta fans, check the link. Big can of worms you guys opened.
favourite show by far, i also agree with the show kinda dieing after the cell saga, i remember i had to goto school when it was shown so i’d tape the episodes, was so annoying it would get to a point then just repeat,
Never saw much of the Garlic Jr, Freeza, or GT (and wasn’t AF done by fans, or something?). So most of what I’ve seen was the Cell Saga, which was pretty good. Also, a decent amount of the Buu saga.
You’re right, though, that later in the series the formula of “Get more powerful” was the only thing driving it (Did you hear they can go to SSJ32341235234 now??)
I always thought they had more potential for Krillin, given that he was limited in power, to make him a more interesting character.
also, check out any of the DBZ music videos, I used to have a shitload of them. You end up seeing a lot of clips from the movies that you wouldnt see otherwise.
[quote]CappedAndPlanIt wrote:
Never saw much of the Garlic Jr, Freeza, or GT (and wasn’t AF done by fans, or something?). So most of what I’ve seen was the Cell Saga, which was pretty good. Also, a decent amount of the Buu saga.
You’re right, though, that later in the series the formula of “Get more powerful” was the only thing driving it (Did you hear they can go to SSJ32341235234 now??)
I always thought they had more potential for Krillin, given that he was limited in power, to make him a more interesting character. [/quote]
I respect Krillin a lot. He was second class the moment he hung out with Goku. But that guy is tough and fights with heart. He almost killed Vegeta with Yajirobe’s samurai sword.(Saiyian Saga).
[quote]CappedAndPlanIt wrote:
Saiyian Saga? Which one was that?[/quote]
When Nappa and Vegeta show up. Right after Radditz and Goku die. Piccolo, Gohan, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, and Chaou zu train for half a year(I think) to get ready for the Saiyians.
At the end of the saga, Vegeta is crawling into his spaceship. Krillin catches up to and stands over him with a sword pointed at him. Vegeta was weak enough to die by the blade, but Goku convinced Krillin to let him go.
I used to have a subscription to DB, the small paperback comics, which were just a compilation of sevearal months of the weekly DB strip in Jump. Better than the show, because the art was consistant and they didn’t stretch out scenes forever like the show.
I think why GT sucked was because it was never a comic. It was like they wrote it as they went along. And since it wasn’t in comic form in Japan that pretty much sealed GT’s fate. The fate to suck and be totally disregarded.
I don’t think there is a person in Japan who doesn’t know DB. Or Goku’s voice actor.